“I don’t think that,” I admitted to him.
Sean smiled at that. “Good. Now that he’s bared his heart, I’ll tell you that we’re going to have a big dinner thanks to Harlan, so be sure to make it back by then. The rest of the day is yours.”
The two of them went upstairs, which ended the morning reunion. I turned to Sir with a soft smile. “I think that went well.”
He laughed. “I agree. Is there anything we need before we get started?”
I thought about it for a minute, then nodded. “There is one thing. Can you grab the keys to the farm truck and meet me beside it in a minute? I just need to get something from our room.”
At his agreement, I took off at a jog from the main house. When I made it to our space for the weekend, I reached into my bag to pull out the folded envelope. Without looking down at it, I stuffed it in my pocket for later. I didn’t have much of a plan for it, but I knew if there was ever a time to finally find out what Clancy had to say to me, then it would be during this first trip.
I spentthe morning showing Sir around the place I’d called home for so long. He got to meet all the animals, and he eventook the time to learn their names. We lent a hand when Corey needed it for some of the feedings. And when Bobby Allen offered to saddle a horse for us to ride, we took him up on the offer.
By the time lunch rolled around, he looked worn out. “Ranch life is taxing, isn’t it?” I teased as I opened the door to the bunkhouse.
He cut his eyes my way. “It is. No wonder you’ve got such a great figure.”
I choked out a laugh. “Says the man who's built like a brick house. You’re so big.”
Rubbing my hands over his muscles, I felt an urge that I hadn’t in ages. It was a visceral feeling, one that demanding he fill me and fuck me senseless. I was equal parts overwhelmed and amazed.
“Where’d you just go, Precious? Your pupils are telling me it’s somewhere I want to be.”
When we were finally alone in our room I stepped closer to him. “I was picturing what it would feel like for you to fuck me properly. It was like my body woke up all of a sudden.”
“What do you mean by fucking you properly? I need you to be clear,” he murmured as he pressed kisses along my jaw.
I moaned at the feel, then tilted my head to give him more access. “I mean the kind where your cock goes in my ass, and we both come. The position and place don’t matter all that much.”
He froze as his breathing sped up. “When we get home. I’ll have you when we get home. This trip isn’t about that.”
“Ungh,” I groaned. “That means waiting.”
Sir laughed, then went back to kissing me. “In my world, it’s called edging. But don’t worry, the wait is always worth it."
“I sure hope it is.”
Chapter Thirty-One
Robin calledto say he wouldn’t make it out for the afternoon. Something about an emergency. Even Griffin got roped into helping out. With the last-minute change of plans, we free to spend the day however we wanted.
I realized with a surety that now was the time.
It was time to read Clancy’s letter.
“Sir,” I whispered, my head on his chest as we laid across my old bed. Leaning up, I looked down at him. “I have something I want to do. Will you help me?”
His voice was strong as he answered. There was no doubt in my mind that he would do anything I asked of him. He loved me just that much.
“We’ve got to take a trip somewhere.”
“Lead the way.” He waved an arm towards the door.
Climbing off him, I slid on my boots, then waited as he did the same. It was an odd sight for him to be dressed down this much, but after realizing his workwear wasn’t all that comfortable here, Sir didn’t seem bothered by the jeans, boots, and flannel I shoved at him.