Page 60 of Losing his Daddy

I answered without pause. “Everything. I want to know it all.”

It was a bold statement from a man who was kink-shy not all that long ago. My situation with Clancy affected the way I saw things. I’d thought the kink was to blame. It took me hitting rock bottom and climbing my way back up for me to see the truth.

“Let’s start at the beginning. There was a guy names Lewis, and a guy named Mateo…”

Chapter Twenty-Five


The party creptup on us faster than I expected. I’d been looking forward to this event from the moment Gerald told me he’d go. For the first time ever, I was excited about an event for work.

Usually, these spaces offered little reprieve. Work Wes wasn’t the same man as Everyday Wes. I had a persona to keep up.

Though really, that wasn’t the case as much anymore. Not since Gerald had come into my life. Where previously I never took lunch and rarely smiled, I now had a designated time on my calendar to block off my lunches, and I smiled every time I got to spend time with the man I’d fallen for.

“I need a haircut,” Gerald said as he came into the kitchen. His hair was still damp from his shower and as he rubbed his eyes, I smiled into my cup of coffee. He didn’t need to see how deep my feelings for him ran just yet.

We were still teetering on the edge of the relationship bridge. For the most part, we were a couple. At least in all the ways that counted. It was the more intimate connection that we hadn’t yet crossed over into. That, and openly being linked together. Our safe haven was still my apartment, my job, and the few restaurants we occasionally ate out at.

“Then we should go get your hair cut. I could probably use a trim too.” I leaned over to kiss his temple. “I could call my guy to see if he’s got space for us.”

Gerald leaned on the counter beside me, close enough to be pressed into my side. His hand went up to my beard, fingers rubbing and tugging in the way I loved. He did the move almost absently, like it was more for his enjoyment than to make me happy.

I fucking adored that something about me could bring him peace.

He bit his lip. “Actually, I kind of have a person I want to see. He’s the one who cut my hair in rehab. I promised him I’d go see him once I was out, and I haven’t yet.”

I ran my hand over his long strands. Seeing him every day meant I didn’t notice the difference as much, but when I stopped to think, I could tell a definite difference in his hair length since we met several months ago.

“Call your guy. Let’s get in before he’s all booked up. Then we’ll swing by to grab our suits from the tailor for tonight.”

He smiled, then pulled out his phone. “This is going to be interesting,” he mumbled.

“Come in!Come in! I’m so happy to see you, Gerald!” A petite man wearing a bedazzled jumpsuit opened the door to a small bungalow. “And you brought us eye candy?! Gerald, you shouldn't have. You really did good. Come in handsome man. Tell me how you know our lovely Gerald.”

I couldn’t push back the smile that came at his exuberance. “I was fortunate enough to meet him several months ago. It didn’t take me long to realize he was a keeper.”

Gerald blushed at the praise, then tried to get his friend’s attention. “Enough about me. We’re here to see if you can save me. I need a haircut. This guy,” he pointed at me, “is taking me as his plus one to a fancy dinner thing.”

“I’m so glad you called then. We can’t let you go out looking like this. Really, honey, you look like some washed up rockstar or something. Don’t worry though, I’ll make you good as new. Welcome to my small abode. I’d have taken you to the studio for this, but that bitch Bart stole my Snickers, so I took the weekend off, so I don’t commit murder.”

“Murder over a candy bar?” I asked.

“Makyn doesn’t play about his snacks,” Gerald gave in way of answering.

“Well, shit. I completely forgot to introduce myself. I’m Makyn, hair magician and friend of your boo. Who are you? And do you have a brother or two?”

I took his offered hand and shook gently. “I do have a brother; however, he’s a bit far away. No siblings close by for your entertainment. I’m Weston, though my friends call me Wes.”

“Mhmmm,” he hummed. “I like him already, Gerald. Keep this one around. I have a sixth sense about this stuff. Now then, let’s get you taken care of. It looks wet. Did you already wash it?”

The two of them shuffled through the living room to an area that was clearly sectioned off to be a small home hair salon. An empty chair, a sink basin, and a dresser covered in hair tools made it rather obvious.

“You just grab a chair and scoot right over here, Handsome Wes. Listen to us gab for a bit while I make your man look good.”

Gerald didn’t immediately jump to correct the ‘my man’ statement, which sent a bolt of pride through me. If for no other reason than he didn’t outright deny it.

For the next forty-five minutes, I listened to Makyn get Gerald talking about everything and anything. He carefully avoided talk of me directly, though he included me when appropriate. It was magical to see how he could open up with the right person.