Page 27 of Losing his Daddy

“Then why are you not happy to hear from him?” Gerald challenged.

I sighed as I accepted my fate. It was time to tell him about Danielle. There was no way around it.

“The last time I spoke with my brother, I told him a few things that weren’t all that true just yet. And well, to be fair, there’s a lot he doesn’t know.”

“Lay it out for me. Maybe together we can decipher a way that it all makes sense.”

My heart leapt at the idea of him wanting to help me. Sure, it was technically his job, but he didn’t seem to care. I felt like someone was on my side for once, and without all the stories I’d spun.

“Well, it’s all a bit complicated. See, I was engaged for a long time to a woman named Danielle. She and I had been together for ages and as one did in a long-term relationship, I proposed to show her I cared.”

Something in Gerald’s expression shifted. Pain bloomed in his eyes. It only furthered my belief that he had secrets of his own. Maybe if I shared mine, then he’d want to trust me with his too.

“Danielle loved the idea of a long engagement. She swore it gave her time to plan properly. Only, I realized a few weeks ago that her idea of a long planning period really meant she wanted to fuck every man she could before settling down. Though,even then, I suspected she would have wanted to continue her deception.”

“She cheated on you?!”

“Yes, she did. Several times in fact. And with the people closest to me too, likely because they were convenient. My chef, personal assistant, and neighbors were just the ones I knew about. I’m sure there were more.”

Gerald’s hand covered his mouth as his eyes expressed a mix of shock and pity. Or maybe it was empathy. I couldn’t quite tell.

“I found out via a hidden camera in my living room. The day I saw the first incident, I called my brother to let him know the wedding was off. I didn’t give much explanation, only that we weren’t going to go through with it. Since then, I’ve been avoiding his calls. Mostly because there’s a leaning tower of secrets between us that I don’t want to have to dismantle.”

“How so? What else could there be?”

He doesn’t ask about Danielle any further, which I’m both relieved and bothered by. Relieved because I don’t want to bring her up any more than necessary. Bothered because if the roles were reversed, I’d want to know everything.

No one has entranced me quite like Gerald has. From the minute I walked into the coffee shop, I knew there was something more to him. His last bit of prodding only added to the novelty of his mysterious manner.

“A bit, actually. I’d told him that I lived with Danielle rather than that she lived with me. I’d encouraged her to keep up the lie over the years, so she’s likely told him I’ve grabbed my stuff and left rather than I’m making her hire movers to get all her stuff taken care of. He has no clue I have the rental properties or that I’m swimming in the funds I do have. I don’t like talking about my wealth, especially since we came from very humble beginnings. I worried he might think bad about me.”

I frowned at the admission. I hadn’t really given it that deep of thought before. Now that I’d said it aloud, the reasoning tracked as to why I’d never corrected him. Plus, it wasn’t like he made visits here all the time or vice versa. We kept up digitally for the most part. Our in-person connections were few and far between.

“And you feel he’d be upset that you’re wealthy now? That he might find you different in some way?” Gerald shook his head as he laughed softly. “I think you’re very wrong. He’ll probably be more bothered by the lies than anything else. He might even feel the need to get closer to you after the confession since there’s an obvious gap in communication between you two.”

“Maybe,” I hedged.

The waitress brought the sandwiches out, which made us pause our conversation for a while. We were both rather hungry, if the way we devoured the food was any indication. I was happy to see Gerald enjoying himself for once. The perpetual layer of sadness melted away as the meal ebbed on.

“That was delicious. Thank you.” He wiped his mouth with a cloth, then eased his hands on the tabletop. “I haven’t had anything like that in a while. The facility's food was good, but nothing nearly as indulgent as this.”

I grinned. “Lenny does love to spoil me. We’ve known each other a long time.”

“Seemed like it. And while we’re on the subject of long-time things, I think you should tell your brother the truth. Maybe not today, but soon. He’s likely worried about your safety if everything you said is true. The least you could do is send a text to say you’re doing fine as you cope with the change in your life. Though it doesn’t appear that much coping is needed.”

He tilted his head to the side as he observed me. I could tell he was looking for the sadness, for the distraught man I should have been. Anyone else in my position would have beendevastated. Being a victim of infidelity wasn’t something people took in stride like I had.

“You’re wondering why I’m not more upset, aren’t you?”

Gerald straightened. “Well… yes. I am curious. But only if you’re comfortable with sharing your story.”

“I’m comfortable with sharing. You need to pick a dessert first though. This conversation deserves something sweet.” I pointed to the menu he’d set aside.

As if my word was law, he did as I asked. I watched him go over the items with intense focus. Not once did he hesitate or stop to argue. It was as if he was submitting to my word and trusting me to lead the conversation.

Why did that induce a flurry of excitement through me? And what the hell did it even mean?

Chapter Eleven