Page 10 of Losing his Daddy

“I need to go into town for something. It’s a bit sudden. Can you take over for me here?”

“Sure thing, boss. I’ll get it done.”

I hated the boss title. It was not the role I wanted, but it seemed to have stuck with the guys. Especially since I was the one with seniority these days. Atticus was the man behind the name of the ranch. I was the one who knew how it ran.

“Thanks, Holt. I’ll catch-up with you when I’m back.” I clapped him on the shoulder, then took off for one of the work trucks.

A half hour later, I was parking in front of the older brick building housing Norton’s law office. I stepped into the quaint lobby to find a friendly face. Kaylee Norton and I knew each other well enough given how small this town was. The land might have been far and wide, but the people were not.

Everyone knew everyone. Which also meant they knew each other’s business as well.

Forcing myself to smile, I nodded her way. “Hey, Kaylee.”

“Hey, Gerald! You can head on back.”

I nodded her way, then took off in the direction she pointed. Inside the room, I found Lake Norton sitting behind a large desk with papers scattered all over. His gaze met mine, and he moved to stand.

“No need,” I told him, my hand raising. I shifted until I was within reach, then I stuck my hand out. “Good to see you.”

“Is it though?” He teased.

I chuckled, the sound coming out a bit hoarse. “I’m hoping so. Can we get right to it or is there some type of intro you have to do?”


“Yeah, like swearing on a Bible or something? Maybe sacrificing a goat?”

His mouth tipped into a wide grin. “Good to see some of that sarcasm is still in there. No, none of that today. I’m here because I have something for you.”

I watched as he opened a drawer on his desk. He retrieved an envelope with my name scrawled across the front. As soon as he handed it over, my heart sank.

“This is from…”

He nodded. “I have no idea what it says. My instructions were to give you that and to inform you there's a parcel of land that is now yours. Clancy had it sectioned off from the rest. It’s towards the back. It’s marked on this map.”

Even as he pulled the papers out, I knew exactly where it was located. The space had been one we’d visited several times. I’d always told him that if we ever got to start over together, I wanted our house there. We’d be close enough to consult on the ranch and for me to go to work, while also being tucked away from the others.

We never got the chance to break ground on the space.

I glanced at the map when he pointed to the space. “You familiar with it?”

Nodding, I pushed past the lump in my throat. “Yes, I am.”

“Great! Then I can leave you with this. There's supposed to be a surprise there for you as well. I’m not privy to what it is, only that Clancy coordinated it. I’ve already spoken to Atticus about his parts of the will. If you’ll simply sign to acknowledge I’ve done my part in handing over the letter, then we’re good.”

I pressed the pen to the paper, my hand signing the page routinely as my mind wandered. None of this was what I thought it would be. A letter. Some land. A surprise. It was all very Clancy, yet it wasn’t. Too much of it felt like a final goodbye. I didn’t know if I could handle that.

Leaving the office shortly after, I went back to the ranch with the letter tucked in my pocket. I dropped the paper in my bedroom before saddling a horse and taking off for the land that was now mine.

As soon as I saw the tree in the distance, I pushed the mare beneath me harder. She loved the chase, so I didn’t feel all that bad for it. Besides, it was rare Bobby Allen let these majestic beauties really explore the land. Too many of them were damaged in ways that needed routine and order. I understood the issue well.

“Easy,” I said as I tugged to a stop. I hooked her reins to the nearby post, then moved around the tree to see if I could figure out the surprise.

I didn’t see anything at first. It was all the same as it had been the last time we’d come out this way.

But then the clouds parted, and the sun caught something shiny. It wasn’t right against the tree, which is why I almost missed it.

Moving over slowly, I approached the new item carefully. It took me until I was standing over it for the reality of what it was to hit.