Page 67 of Losing his Daddy

Tucker:You promise he’s not upset? I hate that you snuck off before we got a chance to say goodbye.

Wes:He was worn out. I’ll let him share details with you later. It was a perfect performance. Thanks for taking the chance.

Tucker:Laughing emoji. You know how much I love the chance to fuck Daddy in public. It’s never a hardship. Have him text me later. BYEEE

I heldGerald closer to my side as the town car drove us toward my apartment. While I’d roused him enough to get him out of the club and into the vehicle, he’d knocked right back out. The adrenaline crash was to be expected. A lot of submissives become overloaded when in a club environment for the first time. Add to things that he experienced in his own mini-scene and, well, it’s no wonder he’d fallen asleep on me again.

By the time we got home, he wasn’t much better. I convinced him to make it inside the elevator. That was about where itended. I had to throw him over my shoulder to finish the distance from there to my bedroom.

And yes, I put him in my bedroom. I had to. Leaving him alone after a scene like that was a no-go.

Once he was in bed, I removed his suit piece by piece. With that done, I began tucking him in. As expected, he slept through it all. In fact, he was so deep into his REM state that I undressed, showered, and plated up snacks before making my way back to the bed.

The covered snack tray went on the nightstand, as did the bottles of water and pain pills I grabbed. There was no steadfast rule on how a person’s body responded to sensory overload, so I was prepared for everything.

With that handled, I finally climbed into bed beside him. I wasn’t too tired yet. Not after having my entire evening shift so dramatically. What I thought would be a boring evening shaking hands turned into all my wildest dreams coming true.

At some point, I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to the sound of a groan. My eyes popped open to find Gerald shifting restlessly beside me.

“Hey, there,” I cooed softly. “Time to wake up, Precious. I need to get some sustenance in you.”

As I watched, his eyes blinked a few times before opening slowly. I beamed at him, happiness soaring through every inch of me at the sight of him here, in my bed, and disheveled. It might not have been from a night of wild sex, but it was just as important to me to simply have him in my space. The rest could wait, as I’d told him before.

I wouldn’t rush him. He deserved to be treated like the prize that he was.

That’s part of why I’d chosen the name Precious. Because it encompassed what he was for me. What I hoped he’d continue to be for a very long time.

“What time is it? Where are we?” He looked around the space, clearly noticing we weren’t in his room.

I grabbed the food and water, then motioned for him to sit up. “We’re in my room. I didn’t feel good about leaving you alone after the scene at the club. It would have been disorienting.”

He nodded and rose to match my position. As the blanket fell away, he looked down at his chest. “I’m guessing you got me comfy too?”

“Yes. I hope that's not a problem.”

“Not at all. Thank you. What do you have there?” His stomach rumbled as he leaned closer to inspect the covered tray in my lap.

Laughing, I snapped the lid open. “Just a few snacks.”

When I extended the tray, he dove in with gusto. Seemed it was smart of me to grab him some options after all. It made sense given our dinner was tiny, and we went straight to the club after.

“Thank you,” he mumbled around a mouthful of cheese and crackers.

“Manners, please, Precious. And you’re welcome. It’s no trouble to help take care of you. In fact, I like it very much. Thank you for allowing me the honor of doing so.”

He stopped eating at that. Something about my words gave him pause. I wondered if he believed me. Maybe that was why his eyes turned cautious and his body went taut.

“Sir?” he asked softly.

I lit up at the continued use of my title. “Yes? What is it? You can ask me anything. I promise to answer.”

As I waited, he nibbled on more of the food. The quiet between us was comforting. I didn’t feel a need to fill the void, nor did I worry he wouldn’t eventually answer my question.

“Is it wrong that I liked it so much?”

Relief swept through me at his question. While I wished he had no doubts whatsoever about the events at the club, I thanked my lucky stars that he felt comfortable enough with me to ask. I was also happy to hear he enjoyed himself.

Taking his hand in mine, I waited for him to look me in the eye. “There's nothing wrong with liking what you saw last night. In fact, I’d say that the majority, if not all, of the room enjoyed it as well. They sure sounded like they did.”