Page 46 of Losing his Daddy

If I weren’t so jaded, I’d have been barking like a lapdog at this man.

I smiled at the thought one morning as I left the apartment to go grab lunch for Weston and myself. It was a gorgeous day, with not a cloud in the sky. The sounds of the city greeted me as I stepped out of the front doors.

My enjoyment of the day ended rather quickly thanks to what came next. A voice called out from across the street. “Gerald!”

I turned to see if I recognized the person since their voice didn’t seem familiar. At the sight of a large muscular guy with a dark expression and equally dark clothing, I froze. Was he here to rob me? Or was he some hired muscle coming after me for some wrong I didn’t commit?

“Gerald Grimes?” He asked once he was within arm’s reach.

I nodded since my throat refused to work.

“My name is Preacher. I’m a private investigator. Your friends hired me to find you when you didn’t come back to the ranch. Do you have a minute to talk?”

Relief came at the knowledge he wasn’t here to harm me. It was followed swiftly by frustration. I didn’t want to talk to this man, to this stranger. I didn’t want to be reminded of the life I’dleft behind. There wasn’t enough money in the world to convince me to have a chat with this Preacher guy.

“No thanks,” I said, my voice firm. “I don’t have anything to say about it.”

When I turned to leave, his arm shot out to grab me. “Wait a second, there. I’m not sure you understand. These people are worried sick about you. They have been since you disappeared without a word.”

He spoke about them like he was their friend too. But I knew instantly that it could be true. Not when it hadn’t been that long since I was living on the ranch. I knew everyone there and pretty much everyone they knew as well. If there’d been someone like Preacher around, I’d have been clued in.

Would you, though?A taunting voice in my mind was quick to put a stop to the idea. There was a long period of time where I was too inebriated to even see straight. Preacher could have been at dinner five nights a week, and I wouldn’t have noticed.

“I can understand why they’d be worried, but there is no need. As you can see, I’m perfectly fine. I’m also sober. In order to keep myself that way, I have to stick to my new life.”

There was something that looked awfully close to understanding in his gaze. He released me, though he didn’t step away initially.

“Would it be ok to let them know where you are? Maybe give them an ETA of when you’ll visit? It would go a long way to giving them peace of mind. For both you and Weston.”

“Weston? What about him?”

Preacher rubbed his jaw. “You know how they say it’s a small world sometimes? Well, turns out Weston’s brother Robin works with Griffin at the clinic. He’s been worried about his brother after his failed engagement. When I was called to search for you, we added hunting down Weston in the mix. Imagine my surprise to find the two of you in one place.”

I fought not to blush at the insinuation of his words. Sure, they were mostly true, but that wasn’t something he needed to know. He might tell the guys at the ranch, or even Robin, and then it could make things worse. I was only just getting my footing.

“Can you just give them an update to say I’m alive and leave it at that? I don’t plan to go back to the ranch for a long time, if ever. Most importantly of all, you cannot tell them where I am. They will all load up in an instant to come here to convince me I’ve made a mistake. They mean well, I know they do.”

He raised both his hands. “Easy. I get it. Sometimes life throws you a curveball, and you need to switch it up. I’m not going to judge.”

“Thank you,” I said with a relieved sigh.

“And I’ll do as you’ve asked. I’ve watched you and Weston for enough days to know that neither of you is truly in danger. If you’re truly sober and happy, then there’s no need to send in the cavalry.” He grinned, then stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I wish you nothing but the best, Gerald. I’d say it’s goodbye, but I have a feeling it’s only a see you later.”

With that cryptic message, he left me standing on the sidewalk with more questions than answers. Why in the world had the guys taken to calling a private investigator? Well, that part wasn’t all that confusing, really. In their place, I’d have likely done the same.

Even so, the fact of the matter was that I was safe and adapting to my new life. Telling me to come back to the ranch was silly. It wasn’t even home anymore. It hadn’t been in a long, long time.

Shaking myself from the shock of the encounter, I took off to grab the food that was surely well past ready. I only hoped it hadn’t gone cold. Talking to Preacher took far too much ofmy lunchtime. Thank goodness Weston wouldn’t start his break until I arrived.

After getting our food and rushing to his floor, I felt relief swell at the sight of Weston talking to his team. I moved to where he could see me. The second he did, I watched him end the meeting and rush into the hall.

He pulled me close. “There you are. I was worried when you didn’t show up at the normal time.”

“Sorry. I was stopped on the street by this P.I. the guys back at the ranch hired to track me down.” I shrugged as his jaw dropped.

“My office. Now. We’ve got to discuss this. How are you feeling? Do you need to rest? Hugs and a nap? Tell me, and we’ll make it happen. I can even reschedule my afternoon appointments if need be.” Weston spoke quickly as he tugged me into his office.

Once the door was closed, I set down the food and turned to him. He was close. Impossibly so. And I didn’t hate it.