She forced a smile and ignored the spark of temper, one that was forever close to the surface. Ever since her father died. The end game wasn’t to piss him off and alienate him. While she could sign with any agency in the world, she wanted to sign with him. She had to. “Come on Howler, you and I both know there are a hundred more ready to take their place.”
“Not quality ones. You’ve fallen in the ranks this year from number one to fifteen.”
“Seventeen,” Leo corrected.
That man was getting on her last nerve. “I had an ankle injury. I’m fine and will be back on top by the end of the season. I know my worth. The question is, do you know my worth?” Since she’d first drawn international attention, she’d been taught her value both on and off the court. Her father had been her biggest fan, a man who lifted her up when other people wanted to tear her down.
“I have one very important requirement for every one of my talents and that’s a solid work ethic. From what I’ve seen and heard, you are lacking that quality.”
And the hits just kept coming, every one of her weaknesses being aired in a calm and clinical voice.
“Nobody works harder than me,” she said, crossing her arms. Hell, she couldn’t recall a day that went by when she wasn’t sore and in pain from a strenuous workout.
“Working hard and having a solid work ethic are two different things.” He softened his tone and relaxed back in his chair. “While I’m flattered you’d like to be a part of my team, I have to pass.”
Panic shot through her and she licked her lips, unsure if she’d heard him right. “What?”
“I only sign serious athletes and I don’t think you’re serious about your career. If you were, you’d still be in the top ten. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a good tennis player, but you party too much, and from what I’ve heard through the grapevine, you’re a hothead who’s alienated a lot of the right people. Even Stanley had enough. I don’t have the time or inclination to put up with the drama.”
Cheeks burning, she gripped her hands into fists, humiliated all over again by the entire affair. This hadn’t gone at all the way she’d envisioned, nor could she allow it to end with a negative outcome. She’d be the first to admit that her behavior since her dad’s death hadn’t been her best, but she was ready to hit the court swinging. . “I severed my ties with his agency and am free to sign with whomever I choose. I’ve had multiple offers, but I choose your agency.”
He tapped his pen on the table, the sound loud in the quiet room. She could see his mind working, calculating the loss and gain. Leo began to type something in the keyboard and another graphic showed the top ranking for the United States. Her name was on the bottom.
Cold, hard reality hit. The ranking sheet didn’t lie, and if she walked out that door, there was no telling what her future might hold. Swallowing her pride, she leaned forward in her chair. She couldn’t afford to do otherwise. “I need to revitalize my career, and to do that, I need a fresh start away from Dublin and with a new perspective. I know you’re good at what you do because Stanley bitches about you non-stop. . In addition to an agent, I need a coach that will listen and not lecture.”
“What do I get in return?” he asked, turning off the monitor with the phone app.
“For starters, money. I’ll let my attorney negotiate the legal stuff. You’ll also be signing your most high-profile client since Sam Rockney, and I get a fresh start back in the States. It’s a win-win all around.” You just have to say yes.
Howler leaned back in his chair and maintained eye contact. “I tell you what. Have your attorney contact mine and we’ll hammer out the details of a temporary agreement.”
She studied his face, trying to look past the mask he wore like a second skin. Cool under pressure. She wanted to sign with him now more than ever. “A temporary agreement? Explain. Please.”
“You have until the Bellevue Invitational to prove to me that you’re serious. If you buckle down, work out with the coach I provide, and prove you can live up to the hype — without the drama — we’ll extend the contract.”
It took every bit of stubbornness she possessed to stay in her seat. She wanted to tell him to go to hell, but she needed to be associated with him and he had no clue how much. “You want me to sign with you for a few months before you make it final? That’s madness.”
“It’s the deal on the table. Either you take it and have a real chance of being in the big leagues once more, or you walk away. The choice is yours.”
Mind spinning, she weighed her options. He hadn’t given her much of a choice. Desperation versus pride. Think with your head, not with your heart. She’d uprooted herself with the intention of living in the United States, her native country, to obtain a specific goal. To halt her progress now would mean stagnating in her own uncertainty. “I’ve had my attorney draft a preliminary proposal already. I’ll have him forward it to you. I’d like to have this done sooner rather than later since the season will be in full swing soon.”
“What about your staff?”
“I don’t have staff. When I said fresh start, I meant fresh start.” She’d employed a few people, but they were Stanley’s people, and she’d severed all ties with him.
“I have a full schedule, so forward all correspondence to Leo. He’ll be your interim manager until the tournament,” Howler said, straightening in his chair, elbows on the table.
“What?” Leo said.
For once, they were in complete agreement. “I can’t wo—” she bit the word back. She’d just promised to behave herself. Lips pressed together, she nodded. “Okay.”
“Leo can get you the best coach, and set you up with a practice court, and coordinate an exercise program for you. Where are you staying?” Howler retrieved a pen and piece of paper. One eyebrow cocked, the challenge in his gaze was unmistakable.
She’d be stuck with Leo? He hated her; she could practically feel the animosity oozing from him. “Downtown for now. I’m looking for an apartment in the area.”
“Once we sign, you can stay at my house. I have guest quarters with a separate entrance,” Howler said.
“You want me to stay at your house?” She tried to regain her equilibrium. This couldn’t be more beneficial to her plans. Except the deeper she dived, the harder it might become to keep her head above water.