Sorcha reached out and took Marco’s hand, glancing at Leo for a brief second. Regret lingered in her eyes before she raised her chin, resolute. She tugged Marco towards the door. “Let’s do this.”
Leo curled his toes in his shoes, every nerve in his body screaming no. Jealousy, hot and heavy, burned a hole in his gut. He couldn’t stand there and watch. Air, he needed air. He pushed out the door and into the sunshine. Head back, he inhaled and tried to gain control over his roiling emotions. Noises sounded around him, crowds of people enjoying the exciting event. He felt isolated, in another world. What he wouldn’t give to escape up to the mountain.
No matter how far he ran, it would never be far enough.
Chapter Forty-Nine
Sorcha exited the dais and wiped her hands against her jean-clad thighs. For the millionth time, she scanned the crowd for Leo, but he was notably absent. Exhaustion lingered at the edge of her consciousness and the ever-present panic that followed the interview. Now, more than ever, she ached to have him by her side. She hadn’t slept the night before in anticipation of today, and it was catching up with her.
Howler clasped her elbow and steered her through the reporters who still shouted questions. Vicki and Sorcha’s bodyguard cleared the path.
She climbed into the waiting car and leaned back against the seat. Raina was already in the car, along with Trent, but No Leo or Tucker.
Raina clasped her hand, her smile bright. “You did it. I’m so proud of you.”
Warmth flooded her being and she squeezed Raina’s hand back. She might not have Leo in her life anymore, but she’d gotten close to Raina. “I’m glad you came. It means a lot to me.”
“It’s what family does, support each other. Sisters.” Raina said, her eyes suspiciously liquid.
Since she’d shared the news about Miller, Sorcha and Raina had been inseparable. They spoke every night, and she’d even watched baby Ash while the couple went out to dinner. Sorcha swallowed her own surge of affection and nodded. “Sisters.”
Howler entered the car and the driver shut the door.
“Where is Tucker?” And Leo? The panicky feeling returned. Please don’t say he’s gone. He’d showed up unexpectedly and given her hope. False hope. He’d fulfilled his obligation as her manager and trainer. Would he remain her friend? Or was that an illusion as well?
“He’s in the second car with Vicki’s dog. Do you think Vegas Baby will ever be that disciplined?” Howler asked, grinning.
“No,” the rest of them said at the same time.
Sorcha shook her head in amusement, the emotion a welcome one. Her success on the court cemented her own future with Howler’s agency. His instincts had been spot-on and she was glad she’d taken a chance on him. Well, he’d taken a chance on her, but she preferred to think it was the other way around. She stifled a laugh. Okay, she hadn’t changed that much. Leo might be out of her life, but she had a sister, a brother-in-law, and friends, everything that had been missing in her life. And she had her career back. She stared out the window, the feeling bittersweet. If only her dad were here to see her now.
The car door opened, and Leo appeared. “The other car left without me.”
“Climb in then.” Heart in her throat, Sorcha waited until Trent scooted closer to the door before she moved to the middle of the seat to give him room. The heavy place in her stomach lifted. Nervously, she fiddled with the hem of her top. He was wedged close to her side, his thigh flush to hers. Like her, he wore a short-sleeved shirt. Skin-to-skin, a rush of memories of their last night together brought back her earlier panic. He slid his arm along the back of the seat and shifted, breaking the contact. The brim of his ball cap shadowed his expression. He was close, yet a world away.
Howler’s phone buzzed several times, a much-needed distraction. “Looks like the sponsors are rolling in. The PR department has booked you on three different local networks along with the big cable networks. They’re drafting an itinerary and will send Trent the details.”
“Roger that,” Trent said, typing into his phone. The driver pulled into traffic and Trent’s elbow bumped hers.
Another new relationship that had proven invaluable was Trent. He’d taken over every detail of her personal obligations and acted as an intermediary with Grace. The interview would take place at the beginning of next week. Since that horrible night, she hadn’t heard a damn thing from Miller. After the interview, she was certain that would change. She was more than ready to take him on.
“The shirts are flying off the website. Great idea,” Trent said.
“What’s a great idea?” Leo asked, the sound of his husky voice tugging at her gut.
Holy hell, she’d missed him so damned much.
Trent turned his phone to show a pink and black t-shirt. “Sorcha’s Princess line limited-edition LGBTQ charity shirt. It’s flying off the cyber shelves.”
“We make the shirt before every big tournament. If I win, I match the donations dollar for dollar, and I won.” The driver took a sharp turn and she gripped Leo’s thigh to steady herself. Tilting her head, she met his hooded eyes, desire in the depths. Her nipples peaked and she wanted to kiss him so bad it hurt. Snatching her hand back, she curled it into her lap. He wasn’t hers to touch, and it tore her heart out.
“We’ll be interning you in the Miami Open. You’re back in the big leagues,” Leo said. “We need to plan your training strategy and arrange for a full-time personal trainer. You were two miles-per-hour shy of breaking a world record. Nina never had a chance.”
“It felt good to be out on the court again. I have you and Howler to thank. Oh, and Tucker, but he’s not here.” Rambling? Really? She managed an embarrassed smile at the pride in his voice. He’d said some touching words to her outside the locker room. Welcome but bittersweet. He’d made up his mind about her from the beginning and he still thought the worse of her. Perhaps severing their ties was for the best. Except she didn’t want to give up. Not yet.
“He’s in the other car with Vicki,” Howler said.
Sorcha licked her lips and turned to look at Leo, unable to help herself. “We’re going to celebrate with dinner tonight. Are you coming?”