Sorcha laughed at the little joke, her heart softening. She had been trying to keep the emotions in check, but it was difficult. She loved Leo, but he saw no future for them. He was right about her in so many ways, save one. She wanted the same things he did, and she wanted it with him. But he’d made himself clear and it hurt like hell.
“As soon as Howler is done with his meeting, we can go to the nail salon.”
“Okay. I’m in no hurry. I already did my workout this morning and…” Her voice broke and she cleared her throat. “Well, I have the rest of the day off. Leo went back to Grams with Tucker.”
“He did?” Raina arched one dark eyebrow. “Howler said he caught Leo leaving your room and I assumed, well, I hoped he… never mind. That was none of my business.”
“It’s okay. Leo and I aren’t, um, we just aren’t going to happen.” His bad opinion of her hadn’t changed and she wasn’t going to chase down someone who didn’t want her.
“Let me guess? He shut you out.”
The words sent a chill of despair along her spine. How much to share? She really needed a friend but after what she had to impart about Miller, there was a good chance that Raina would kick her out. “Why would you say that?”
“Because that’s his MO. He gets close to a woman and once she starts to care for him, he shuts it down.”
“Am I that transparent?” Sorcha ran her thumb along the rim of her cup, the outside of the ceramic hot against her palm. She’d been drinking hot coffee the first day she’d met Leo. Holy hell, would everything remind her of him?
“A little bit, but that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with showing your emotions. I made a huge mistake when I fell in love with Howler and kept it to myself. Like Leo, he wasn’t ready either. Both of them had pretty intense pasts. If you really care for him, you’ll have to be patient.”
“I’m not sure how I feel. I guess I have a few weeks to find out since he’ll be on active duty.” But she still had him until the end of the month. The way they’d parted didn’t bode well for any kind of relationship. She had to face some hard truths and come to terms with them. Inhaling, she geared herself up for a very painful conversation. “I have to tell you something, Raina, and it has nothing to do with Leo. It’s about me and why I came to Seattle.”
She pulled the NDA from the jacket that Leo had allowed her to use the night before.
Raina scanned the document, blue eyes widening. Eyes the same color as Sorcha’s. Miller’s eyes. The paper fluttered in her grip. “Is this… I mean… Oh my God, are you?”
“Yes.” Sorcha retrieved the NDA and folded the paper once more. “Yes, I am his daughter. I mean, I’d need a paternity test and well, I don’t see that happening anytime soon. I met up with him last night and confronted him.”
“You didn’t.” Her grip on the baby tightened and she patted his back with more force. The baby burped.
“I’m afraid I did. He kicked me off the yacht and threatened to sue me if I pursued it further.” Sorcha tightened her hands into fists, furious all over again. The interview had been horrible. Between Miller and Leo, she was through with men.
“He’s such an asshole.” Raina lowered the baby and settled him into the crook of her arm. She lifted the bottle, allowing the baby to start feeding again. “You’re better off not knowing him, Sorcha, he’s horrible.”
“I kind of figured that out. It gets worse.” She fiddled with the edge of the paper, gaze locked on the baby and how his soft breath sounded between sucking noises. Babies had always fascinated her. While other girls her age had babysat to make money, she’d spent ten hours on the court. “Before I told him, he asked me to be his mistress. Me. His daughter.”
Raina’s hand flew to her mouth and hysterical laughter spilled out. “You have to be kidding me!”
“I threw up a bit in my mouth,” Sorcha said, unable to hold back her own amusement. She was relieved that Raina hadn’t turned her away but listened to what she had to say.
“You’re my sister.” Raina’s grin broadened, a sheen of moisture brightening her eyes. “I’d hug you, but my arms are kind of full.”
“I understand. I’m just glad you’re not mad. It’s not every day that your long-lost sister shows up on your doorstep.” Leo had accused her of lying to get to Raina. She hadn’t lied but simply avoided telling the truth about her birth. He hadn’t exactly been truthful, either. From what Raina said, it wasn’t just her, but every woman he dated. He’d dropped Kat pretty quickly. After he kissed her. But every time he’d spoken about the woman, he hadn’t been enthusiastic.
“I’m so glad you told me. You can never have enough family. While Miller is vile, I have a fondness for my little brother and a few of my sisters.”
“From what he inadvertently indicated, there are more of us. A lot more.” Here comes the hard part. Once she said this, would Raina still feel the same? “I told Grace Chen. I was so mad, I wanted to get the story out. I’ll understand if you hate me and want me to leave.”
“I don’t hate you for that. He’ll get what’s coming to him. I just don’t want to see his family hurt.” She frowned and adjusted the baby in her arms. “Very few people know that I’m his daughter. I prefer it that way. “
“I understand. I’ve given her permission to do my story. I don’t know where it will lead, if it leads anywhere. He’s powerful and has a lot of clout. I also found out that his last mistress in the States is pregnant. He makes them all sign NDAs and the kids never know who their father is. I can’t tell their story, but I can tell mine.” Sorcha had been rejected by two men in the past twenty-four hours. One she barely knew and the other she was in love with. Miller deserved his comeuppance. As for Leo, she had no answers.
Chapter Forty-Three
Leo squatted court-side and watched the intense play between Sorcha and her new practice partner, Marco. He squinted against the late afternoon sunshine to better see the play. Had she not taken an instant liking to the new man he’d feel more comfortable. He had no right to feel strong emotion about this one way or the other.
Jealousy was a fickle bastard. He glanced at his watch and sighed. It had been two days since their fight, breakup, argument—he had no idea what to call it or what to call them. He’d brought this on himself. It was more painful than it should have been. Lust, attraction, like. Love. No not love. He wasn’t interested in falling in love. The things he wanted could be obtained by mutual wants and needs. Love would come, but not the fiery kind that a woman like Sorcha would demand.
“Stop dropping your shoulder, Sorcha.” Tucker paced the pavement next to Leo and gripped his cane. “She’s back to her bad habits.” He spoke low enough for Leo to hear, exasperation etching lines in his forehead.