Moisture flooded her folds, her clit throbbing, begging for gratification. “Fuck indeed,” she said, releasing him before she snatched the condom.
Knees on the bed, she lifted her leg and straddled his hips. She wanted him to lose control, something she’d never seen Leo do. His hands moved to her sides while she guided his cock into her body, every inch a welcome stretch. She kissed the underside of his jaw, her body on fire as she began to move in rhythm with his hips.
He slipped his hand between their bodies, his thumb playing over her clit, bringing her to the brink and beyond. She arched into his touch, her hands on his shoulders. The throb in her clit became a chorus of intense sensations, moans filled the back of her throat. So much for moving slowly, she couldn’t stand to wait. Like a greedy bitch, she wanted all of him, his body, his mind, his heart. She loved him and he had no idea.
Not a clue.
She closed her eyes against the unexpected onslaught of tears. No, not now, not ever. She had him to herself and she wouldn’t think of the past or the future, just the now. With the man she loved.
He rolled her onto her back, his hips moving with more frantic want. Clasping her hands, he pulled her wrists above her head and his mouth found her nipple, tongue swirling, lips sucking at the hardened bud. An orgasm ripped through her body, stealing her breath. She bucked beneath his greater weight, welcoming the frantic pump of his cock until a second, more intense orgasm followed the last. Her heels dug into the mattress, his name on her lips.
“Leo, I—” Love you. She’d almost taken the plunge but backed out. Once the words were spoken, there was no going back, and she couldn’t risk the chance. Not when he was leaving. He kept his emotions close to the chest and it was difficult to read him. Given his past, she understood. She also understood it would take time to break through his barriers. Time she didn’t have. For now, she’d enjoy the precious few hours she’d been given.
Chapter Forty-One
Leo exited Sorcha’s room, shoes in hand. He hadn’t meant to spend the night but one thing led to another, and dawn had happened sometime in between sex. And more sex. Grinning, he spun on his heel and ran into Howler.
“Fuck.” He stepped back, the flush heating his neck annoying as hell.
“Is that a question or a comment?” Howler asked, amusement in his voice.
“A comment. I didn’t expect to see anyone.” He was a grown man, yet he felt like a kid caught by his parent. Stay calm and deflect.
Howler gripped the white towel that was draped around his neck. From the way his shirt clung to him and the sweat on his brow, he’d been working out in the gym. “I didn’t expect to see you coming out of Sorcha’s room.”
“It’s six, time for our run,” he said, hoping his face wasn’t as red as it felt.
Howler looked him up and down, lips curling up in a telling manner. “In pants and a shirt that look remarkably like the ones you wore last night. Nice try.”
He was done for, crap. Running his hand behind his neck, he shook his head. “Apparently not, and don’t make a big deal out of this. It’s just sex.”
“As your brother, I’m glad to see you found someone you’re interested in. As your boss, we have a potential problem.” Howler leaned against the wall, arms crossed, his amusement fading.
Leo’s earlier euphoria disappeared, and he nodded. Howler was voicing out loud what he’d been ignoring for a while. “It’ll take care of itself once I leave.”
“What happens when you come back?”
“I return to my old job.” Maybe.
“That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it.”
Leo blew out a breath, unsure how to answer. He’d yet to decide what his plans were, especially when it came to Sorcha. “I don’t plan on doing anything about Sorcha because there’s nothing there.” Not quite the truth but not a lie either. He wasn’t sure how he felt about her. Last night, she’d warned him not to read too much into having sex, which showed where she was at.
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay on as her trainer?” Howler asked, adjusting his grip on the towel. By the way he studied Leo, he was invested in his answer. He was Sorcha’s agent and her career depended, in part, on her mental wellbeing.
Every nuance of his being wanted to say yes. His time with Sorcha was an illusion. He’d promised Howler a month and that month was almost up. Better to cut the ties clean. “No, I don’t want to be her trainer. After I come back, I’ll be there for moral support but that’s it.”
The door swung open and Sorcha appeared in her workout gear, jaw tight. The glare she shot at him spoke volumes.
Fuck, she’d overheard their conversation.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” Howler cocked his head, the meaning in his gaze not lost on Leo. He moved to the stairwell and disappeared upstairs.
She stormed down the hallway and entered the gym, ponytail swinging.
He followed, geared up for the inevitable clash.
“You snuck out of my room without saying a damn word,” she said, climbing onto the treadmill and pressing the button.