Leo slipped his fingers behind her neck and tilted her chin with his thumb. She met his solemn gaze and hiccupped a breath.
“He accused me of being an opportunist when he took advantage of my mother and countless other women. I can’t express how furious I am.” At Miller and at herself. “My dad was my everything and I miss him every single day.”
He skimmed his thumb along her jaw, the simple action soothing yet sensual. “I understand.”
Of course he understood, he lived it. She nodded, pressing her cheek into his palm, needing to absorb the comfort he offered. “My aunt is the only family I have. No cousin, no siblings—at least they’re not aware of me.”
“You’ll have to tell Raina,” he said, his eyes dropping to her mouth.
She licked her lips and leaned in, wanting to kiss him, to lose herself in human contact. “I liked her, and not because she’s my half-sister. I hope she doesn’t hate me.”
“Raina has no illusions when it comes to Miller.” His voice had turned husky, his fingers tightening, pulling her in.
“I hope you’re right,” she said against his lips.
She felt them curve, his lashes lowering over his liquid green eyes. “I always am.”
Laughter bubbled inside, mixed with need. She caressed his mouth with her own, warm and supple. Their time in the dressing room had been rushed, full of urgency for satisfaction. Sorcha was in no hurry tonight. She wanted to savor the moment, to allow the slow seduction to build until it hit a fever pitch. Taking his bottom lip between hers, she explored the plumpness before dipping her tongue between his parted lips. He brought her in tighter to his body, fingers playing along the back of her neck and delving into her hair.
Kissing Leo was explosive, and she wanted more. She ran her tongue along his, the seductive slide shooting sparks of need between her legs. Withdrawing from the kiss, she met his sultry stare. “Do you want to go inside?”
“We shouldn’t. I’m leaving this weekend and—“
“I know, but let’s not overthink this.” Overthink us. The knowledge cut deep but she was determined not to mourn. In the end it would be for the best. But she’d come to that when the time hit. “It’s just one night.”
He hopped to his feet in answer and held out his hand. She accepted his help up, her legs wobbly as she stood. He’d unlocked her frozen heart and the more time she spent with him, the deeper she fell. The knot in her stomach loosened and as much as she wanted to resist, she couldn’t. He pulled her close to his side, nuzzling her neck as he walked to the door leading to her apartment.
The inside hallway light came on automatically and she led the way into her room. She was entirely caught up on her own emotional need, a desire that transcended the physical. Moonlight shone through the open drapes, shadowing the corners of the room. He grabbed her about the waist, his mouth finding the sweet spot behind her ear. Her entire body erupted in goosebumps, her nipples constricting. The fight with Miller had broken a part of her spirit, yet in Leo’s arms, she felt whole.
She undid his shirt then flattened her palms along his flat stomach, fingers gliding up to explore his hard torso. Perfect abs, defined and sleek to the touch met her questing fingers. There was a tangible bond between them, one she couldn’t dismiss. Dipping her head, she ran kisses along his collar bone, working her way down his torso. Muscle and sinew under sleek skin.
Sorcha wanted to discover every inch of his body in more detail, to see him writhing under her hand. She’d initiated their first encounter, but he’d taken over. This time, she’d drive the narrative.
His pulse raced beneath her touch, stomach moving rapidly with his excitement. He buried his fingers in her hair, hissing out a breath when she tongued his nipple, fingers unbuttoning his pants. His erection tented the fabric and she allowed her palm to cup him through the wool. He bucked into her touch, his desire palpable.
Seducing Leo was fast becoming a habit, one she didn’t plan on breaking anytime soon. She walked him backwards until his knees hit the bed. A delightful shiver of yearning ran through her. She slid her hands into the back of his waistband and pulled his pants down.
“Much better,” she said, pushing him onto the bed.
“Yes, much better.” He fell onto the mattress, his intense gaze never leaving her face. He settled his arm behind his head and raised a strong eyebrow, every masculine inch of him laid out for her perusal. She knelt at his feet, removing his pants. She ran her fingertip along the arch of his foot, and he jolted it away from her.
She clasped his knees and pushed them apart, his cock lying primed against his flat belly. Wetting her lips, she ran her palms up his thigh, fingers seeking out what lay between them. The earthy scent of his body appealed to her sensual side.
“Wait,” he said, his gaze drifting to her chest. “Take off your dress. When it’s time to fuck you, I don’t want any barriers.”
“Time to fuck me? Such a gentleman.” The words should have insulted but her pussy throbbed in response to his demand. She allowed her dress to fall from her body, and unhooked her bra, no shame in the action. She had many insecurities, but her body was no longer one of them.
“I never claimed to be anything but what I am.”
Naked, she picked up where she left off. Clasping his cock in her hand, she plied the flesh from base to head. She allowed her thumb to skim along his length and followed it up with her tongue. He tasted of musk, man, and need, a desperate need that matched her own.
When she came to Seattle, she’d never expected to meet a man, one who in many ways was the opposite of her. They shared the same loss in their lives, just under different circumstances.
She rolled her tongue across the width of his cock, teasing the sensitive nerves before taking him deeper into her throat. She’d never been shy about sex, and when it came to Leo, she wouldn’t hold back. He was fast becoming an addiction for which there was no cure.
He tensed under her ministrations, fingers clasping the sheets, a low groan emanating from his arched throat. She continued with her seduction, palming his balls and massaging the tight flesh. The air around them was electrified with anticipation for what was to come. She buried the tip of her tongue in the slit at his head, the essence of his desire invading every one of her senses.
“Fuck,” Leo said, his back arching, his hand covering his eyes.