“You can eat it with a knife and fork, or as a lettuce wrap, or with your fingers.” Those same fingers that had explored his cock while he kissed her soft lips. “It’s up to you.”
Hands tucked in the back of her jeans, she rocked on her heels, the motion pushing her breasts out. “Then I choose bread.”
“Somehow, I thought you’d say that. You heard the nutritionist. No refined sugars, no empty carbs—“
“But you did promise me S’mores. You can’t promise S’mores then take them back. It’s un-American.”
She was turning on the heat and he was about to get burned. Stop flirting with her. “I did promise you a S’more, as in singular, not plural.”
“You said S’mores with an s. Regardless, after my harrowing experience on the mountain, I think I deserve the rest of the day to eat badly and tomorrow I’ll buckle down.”
“That’s what you said the other day and look, here we are, a day later and you’re still sneaking cookies. Don’t try to deny it.”
She giggled, the sound deep and warm, her sheepish smile threatening to pull him back into her web. “A near-death experience will do that to you.”
“First it was harrowing, then it was a near-death experience? I seem to recall you saying it was awesome.” And better than sex. He yearned to compare the sensations one kiss at a time. He’d been freaked out watching her maneuver her way down the trail. But she’d pulled it off. “So, which is it?”
“It was fuc… flipping awesome, harrowing, and death-defying. An experience can be more than one thing.”
The way exploring her body at will was thrilling, exciting, and downright addicting. His phone chimed.
Forget Sorcha.
Sorcha glanced down at his phone that was resting on the table next to the fruit. “Looks like somebody named Kat is texting you. You have a date on Friday?”
He nodded, fighting a rush of guilt. Why, he had no idea. There was nothing between them but a foolish encounter. If anyone should be upset, it would be Kat. Technically, he was seeing her. “Yes, I do. We’ll be home by then.”
Call Kat and focus your attention on an obtainable goal.
Except facing Sorcha, he couldn’t recall Kat’s features in any detail, and it scared the shit out of him.
Chapter Twenty
“Is she the woman from the other night?” Jealousy jabbed Sorcha in the gut, and she picked up another piece of watermelon. The sweet coolness felt good on her dry mouth. She’d been in a hyper state since coming off the mountain. Because of Leo. Exactly what she’d warned herself against.
“Yes. She’s an accountant. She likes numbers. I like numbers.” He flipped over a burger, his profile to her. Was it her imagination or were his responses more robotic than passionate?
“Because every great love story is based on numbers. What’s foreplay; calculating pi?” She couldn’t keep the sarcasm from the comment and hated herself for it. He was her manager for another few weeks, not her boyfriend.
“And you say I’m annoying.” He kept his head down, his face shadowed by the brim of his baseball cap.
. “How did you meet Kat?” She grabbed another piece of watermelon. Food wouldn’t fill the void in her chest.
He raised his eyes and his gaze settled on her mouth for a telling second. She licked her lips, her pulse picking up once more. He desired her, there was no denying that fact. But desire wasn’t enough.
“She works with Raina. She seemed nice.” He avoided looking at Sorcha, guilt and shame written all over his face. “Well, she is nice and she’s sensible. Two traits I like in a woman.”
“Nice and sensible is what my aunt looks for in a shoe. How many dates have you been on?” Why she kept asking was beyond her. Better to know the competition.
You’re not in competition with Kat.
He slipped a burger onto a bun that was on a blue plate, the cheese sticking on the spatula. Yummy, gooey, cheese. Her stomach growled, mouth salivating.
“One date so far, but I’ve talked to her enough to know that I like her.”
Her stomach rumbled. Two things that tempted her, Leo, and food. She couldn’t have him, but she’d have a burger, no matter what the hell he said. “If you’re serious, then you might want to rethink the whole kissing another woman thing. It doesn’t bode well for a relationship if you’re fooling around on your girlfriend,” she said in a conspiratorial whisper.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” He visibly swallowed, embarrassed color riding his cheeks. “I, well, it’s still early>” Eyebrow lifted, she inspected him with calculating eyes. He wasn’t serious about Kat. Otherwise he wouldn’t have hesitated. “But you talk to her every day?”