Pleased by his responsiveness, she tightened her fingers around the base of his cock. Watching his face, she slipped her tongue over the head and took him deeper into her throat. Her pussy flooded with liquid warmth, begging to be where her mouth was.
Not yet. He was always in such control, she wanted to see him lose it. The musky taste of him mingled with the water that continued to rain down on them. She worked her palm along his length, fingers and mouth moving in tandem.
“Fuck,” he said out of clenched teeth, thighs flexing to keep himself upright. He rocked his hips, abs going rigid.
Her clit throbbed at the sight of him at the edge of control, the sensations in her core starting to build on top of one another. She released his cock, her entire body in high alert. “Time to run the ball. I need a touchdown.”
“Are you telling me you’re ready to score?” He clasped the nape of her neck and caught her mouth with his before she could answer, tongue delving deep. She kissed him hungrily, her body on fire.
He brought his thumb up and over her nipple. She jumped at the contact; the sensation almost too intense to bear.
Howler withdrew, frowning. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, they’re really sensitive. I wasn’t expecting such, um, intensity. Please don’t stop.” Please, please don’t stop.
“I wouldn’t dream of it,” he said, flashing a charming grin before he dipped his head. His hot tongue brushed her nipple, his mouth sucking at the tightened bud before he released it. “Too much?” he asked, spreading kisses around the perimeter of her areola.
“No, perfect,” she said on a sigh, allowing the promise of what could be to wash over her. If the universe continued on this current trajectory, she’d spend the rest of her life with this man, share a house, a bed, and raise children with him.
“How about here?” Howler asked, his strong, capable hand moving to the juncture of her thighs, his fingertip exploring her aching clit.
Raina clutched at his arm, and closed her eyes, legs weak. He was more than her husband, he was her lover, a man who amped up the intensity with every intimate caress. And after today, things would be different between them. In the past, it might have scared her but standing in the shower with him, her whole body alive, she was right where she needed to be. “Yes, that’s good.”
“Just good? How about we make it great?” Howler followed up his promise by increasing the pressure between her legs, whipping her into a fever pitch. She met his zealous gaze before he lowered his head and began to ply her with long, languorous kisses, his tongue stroking along her own. He tasted of mint toothpaste and sensual man and she wanted to devour every inch of him. Whether it was the hormones or the man, something akin to desperation drove her in a way she’d never felt before. It was amazing and horrifying in the same instance. She had to trust him one-hundred percent, to give her future over to this man. Would he be worthy of it?
Stop. Obsessing.
Forcing all thoughts from her mind, she clenched the thick muscle of his bicep, pleasure exploded inside her core. Now was not the time for doubt or insecurity but pure physicality. Tearing her mouth from his, she cried out, riding the intense release until she slumped against his chest, barely able to catch her breath.
He cupped the side of her face and lifted her jaw with his thumb. His pupils were liquid and deep, drawing her into their silky depths, stealing her soul one touch at a time. “Good or great?”
“You’re a vain son of a bitch, aren’t you?” she asked with a husky laugh, turning her head, unable to hold his gaze without falling deeper into his spell.
“Kind of but I digress.” He backed her against the shower wall and glided his hand down her outer thigh, pulling her knee up until her foot rested on the bench seat.
“You digress from what?” she whispered, knowing full well what he meant.
“From this,” he said, guiding his cock into her. She leaned against the tile wall, whimpering at the way he filled her pussy, touching every nerve until he ended, and she began. Something more than physical was growing between them, but she didn’t want to put a name to it, not yet. Perhaps not ever. He’d been honest with her from the start and she’d do well to take this for what it was, mutual satisfaction. He watched her face, the desire in his eyes bolstering her resolve to simply let it be. Let them be.
Raising her chin, she invited more of his kisses, needing to get out of her head and into the moment. He obliged her silent request as he began to move inside her, each stroke heaven on earth.
The shower rained down on them, the fall of water hitting the tiles, the sound of his increased breath, all drew her into the magical world. Pushing thoughts of the future from her mind, she held him close to her heart, her hips moving in harmony with his until he buried his face in her neck, taking her with him.
Perfect. Everything was perfect.
Or was it simply an illusion? Like their marriage.
Two people working towards a common goal without the glue of love to bind them.
Chapter Twenty-One
“I see they’re fans.” Raina stood on the Pioneer welcome mat at Grams’s sprawling rambler style home, her pulse aflutter. She’d be meeting Howler’s family for the first time. Would they like her?
Did it matter?
Stupid question, of course it mattered. Even if she and Howler didn’t work out, these people were her child’s family. Raina had experienced what it was like to be the outsider and she didn’t want the same thing for her child.
“Sam is one of Grams’s favorites.” Howler opened the door, and the smell of fresh baked cookies wafted onto the porch. Her stomach growled, the tempting aroma making her mouth water.