Page 52 of Quarterback Sneak

“I know what it’s like to have someone steal from you and it sucks. You don’t have to hide your anger. If you’re pissed, it’s ok if you need to vent. I still get riled up when I recall how I trusted him and he—” Ivy cut a hard left into the physical therapist’s parking lot, her fingers white on the steering wheel. “Anyway, it sucks.”

“He?” Sam cocked his head at her stumble, alarm bells ringing inside his head. Way to sound like a jealous boyfriend. You have every right to ask her. He shifted in his seat and removed his sunglasses, waiting for her response.

Stopping the van, she put it into park, a muscle quivering in her jaw. This he meant something to her, whether a friend or an ex-boyfriend was still up in the air. She straightened her shoulders and picked up the bottle of water sitting in the well. After taking a sip, she offered a strained smile. “He was the general manager at the restaurant. My parents were traveling a lot at the time and left me in charge. My dad contacted me from his vacation in Rome after his credit card was declined. It wasn’t until Papa V and I scoured the books that I found out the truth. I…wow, this is really hard.” Air rushed from between her clenched teeth and moisture sheened her eyes. “It is difficult to admit, even to yourself, that you’ve been conned by a man you were in love with.”

The words hit harder than they should. Of course she had a past, so did he but he’d never been in love. Apparently, she had and although it stung, he had to let it roll off his back. She was with him now and she needed his support, no matter how painful to himself. “He didn’t deserve you, Ivy.”

“No, he didn’t.” Ivy smiled through her tears. “The kicker was that he cooked the books in a way that we weren’t able to prove one-hundred percent that he’d done it. He just walked away after nearly ruining my family’s restaurant.”

“I am sorry you were forced to live through that.” Sam reached across the seat and slipped his fingers into the silky strands of hair at the nape of her neck. He used his thumb to raise her chin, and leaning in, he caressed her quivering mouth with his own. She’d trusted him enough to share a painful truth and yet he couldn’t bring himself to reciprocate.

Brick by brick, Sam had erected an invisible wall between his past and his present and he wasn’t keen on tearing it down. Life was about the future and he was looking forward to a future with Ivy.

He just prayed she felt the same way.

Chapter Twenty

Congratulations, you’ve been chosen to compete on the 3Square charity tournament. Ivy elbowed her way to the back of the bar where Beth’s party was being held. Phone in hand, she scanned the lengthy email, wishing she could block out the bar noise and absorb the lengthy text.

“Whatcha’ looking at?” Beth asked, grabbing her wrist before she could finish.

Grinning, Ivy glanced up. “An email from 3Square. Looks like I’m in the tournament.”

“That is awesome news!” Beth flipped her white blonde hair over her shoulder, beaming at Ivy. “Even more reason to put down your phone and celebrate. If you haven’t noticed, there’s a party going on and your man is the center of attention.”

“You’re right.” Ivy slipped the phone into her pocket. Sam stood with a group of Beth’s friends, idol worship on every one of their faces. Ivy had been just as star struck when she’d met him, yet the shine was wearing thin. Her earlier euphoria faded and the uncertainty continued to nag her.

“Having the QB for the Pioneers at my party is the best gift ever. People will be talking about it for years.” Beth leaned on the table and sipped at her wine.

Ivy picked up a carrot from the tray and snapped the vegetable in half, the popping sound somewhat satisfying given her conflicted emotional state. “I do like him. I might even love him, except he keeps shutting me out. I’ve tried to talk to him but he somehow manages to turn every serious discussion we have into some kind of cheesy life lesson.”

“Has he given you any real reason not to trust him?”

“No, but a small part of me suspects he’s hiding something.”

“What do you expect him to do, put his fist through a plate glass window, or worse, into your face? So he looks at the bright side of life, it has to be more pleasant than suffering through one of Kevin’s childish temper tantrums.”

Or Aaron’s passive-aggressive moves. “In a way, it’s more annoying. He’s lost a lot. He’s entitled to be pissed. I’m not saying I want him to go crazy on me, I just want him to exhibit some sort of strong emotion, some indication he’s not a psychopath.”

“If it’s any consolation, I doubt he’s a psychopath. In my view, he’s a typical guy trying to impress a girl. Honestly, you have been dating for a month and he’s had a helluva lot of stuff happen to him. Some women would’ve dumped him by now. Maybe he’s afraid if he shows weakness, you will too.”

Exhaling, she tapped her finger against the skirt of her dress. “He has a greater chance of losing me by shutting me out. I don’t want to be told that everything would be okay. I want him to tell me the truth, no matter how good or bad.”

“He’s a guy. It might be cliché, but men don’t share their emotions like we’d wish. He’s a good man and despite your occasional bouts of crazy, you know it. If you really love him, then make him listen.”

She loosened her shoulders, and nodded. Time to put her troubled thoughts behind and enjoy what was before her, good friends and a sane, even-tempered boyfriend. “Maybe you are right. Maybe he’s just being a stereotypical man.”

Sam turned his head in her direction, meeting her gaze. The familiar thrill whenever they locked eyes coursed through her core and she lifted her glass, taking a sip. He said something to the people around him and headed in her direction. Given his impressive height and build, he towered over the other men, a larger than life hero. And he was her boyfriend. Warmth spread throughout her chest, a sense of possessiveness she’d never felt before, not even with Kevin. Her irritation faded, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Perhaps Beth was right and she was overthinking everything.

Listen to Beth and appreciate what you have.

“Okay, now that we got that out of the way, it’s time to enjoy yourself. Here comes your man. Have fun with him and stop stressing out.”

“Hey you two.” Sam flashed a sexy grin and her pulse skipped a crazy beat.

Raising her chin, Ivy invited his kiss, heat searing throughout her body the second his lips met hers. Too soon, he lifted his head.

“I have something for you, Beth.” He withdrew an envelope from his back jeans pocket and handed it to her.