Page 49 of Quarterback Sneak

“Yes, it is.” Ivy swallowed the lump in her throat. The inevitable was at hand and either she could run from it or face it head on. Shoulders back, she tucked her phone into her apron pocket. “Tell her I’ll be right there.”

Beth laid a hand on her arm. “Are you sure you want to do this? Once you start talking to her, there’s no going back.”

“Yes, I’m sure. If this is, indeed my good luck talisman, I’m going to need its juju. Wish me luck.” Ivy clutched the pendant, rubbing the smooth stone with her thumb while she trotted down the stairs. Slightly winded, she rounded the corner into the bar. The small, petite woman in a conservative blue suit was speaking to a man with a camera dangling in his hand.

Palms sweaty and heart pounding, Ivy stepped forward, hand outstretched. “Hello, Ms. Smith, isn’t it?”

“Call me, Cassandra.” The other woman responded with a well-manicured hand, flashing a friendly smile. Sam’s comment about wolves in expenses suits fit this woman to a tee. Had she not been staring down Ivy with those dark, knowing eyes, Ivy would have described her as pretty.

“Chef Ivy, I understand you are friends with Sam Rockney. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Do you mind if I video record this?”

The cameraman raised the camera to his shoulder in preparation.

“Actually, I do mind. I’ve been cooking all morning and I’m hardly presentable.” The last thing she wanted after slaving over the stove was to be seen on television in a food spattered chef’s coat and sweat-stained toques blanches hat. “I’ll be honest with you, I don’t have much time. Lunch was crazy and I have an appointment I have to get to.”

“Fair enough,” she said although she didn’t appear pleased by it. She extended Ivy a picture, one she recognized as her and Sam at the Market. “My camera caught this photo. Of course, everyone assumed it was Gabriella. At first glance, there is a slight resemblance, but we both know it isn’t her.”

Ivy could either accept or deny the truth. “No, you’re right. It isn’t her. It’s me. I’m Sam’s girlfriend.”

Her overly red lips curved, perfectly made up lids widening. “Can you tell us how he’s doing? Is he out for the season?”

“No, I don’t know the extent of his injuries.” Not a lie. Sam had been closed-mouth about the final diagnosis and she hadn’t asked. Boy had she wanted to know every detail. Once again, pride kept her mute.

Cassandra tilted her head and raised one brow. “You’re his girlfriend and you were at the hospital with him. You’re trying to tell me that you don’t know the extent of his injury?”

The question stung more than it should have. While she wanted to know more than anything, she needed to give Sam the opportunity to tell her, to trust her enough with the truth. But man was it killing her to wait. Tempering her voice, she rocked back on her heels and forced a calming tone. “I honestly don’t know the extent of his injury other than the swelling has gone down. If you want more detailed information, you’ll need to speak to his spokesman. I’d like to say thank you to the Pioneers fans for all their emails and cards wishing him well. His mailbox is flooded with them every day, and he’s read every single one. It’s been a great boost to his morale.”

“Yes, he has great fans,” Cassandra said, lips pinched.

Not what the woman wanted to hear. Tough. There was something to be said for positivity. Ivy could understand why Sam adopted the upbeat attitude. The undesired side effect was pissing off negative people. Including herself. She stifled an ironic laugh behind a cough.

“I’m curious, how did you and Sam meet? Viewers love to know these things.”

“We met when he came to my restaurant.” And he changed my life. Despite her best efforts, her mouth curved and she could feel the rush of heat to her cheeks. She might have issues with Sam but the good far outweighed the bad. She could easily envision spending the rest of her life with him. Only time would tell.

The reporter picked up on her momentary lapse of control and Ivy could practically see her mind spinning. “I’d be very interested in telling your story on Seattle’s-People-To-Watch special that our channel does every year. An intimate interview with the great Knute Rockney would be the feature story.”

Ivy curled her hands into fists. There it was again, sarcastic disdain for Sam. She might have her own problems with Sam but she’d be damned if she’d let this woman dismiss him on Ivy’s watch. “You don’t like him much, do you?”

Cassandra glanced down at the mic in her hand before raising her gaze once more. “I like ratings and an interview with you and Sam would draw in a large demographic. You’d be allowed to mention your restaurant, of course, and the exposure would help boost your own career. The more publicity you have, the better your chances of winning the award you are nominated for.”

The audacity of the woman flabbergasted Ivy and she strained to keep her good-will in check. First Alice and then Cassandra assumed Ivy was some gold digger and could easily be bought. If Ivy had any lingering doubts about her earlier decision, they flew from her mind. “Again, if you want an interview with Sam, you’ll need to contact his spokesman. As for me, if I win the James Beard award, it will be on my own merit, not Sam’s.”

Her comment infuriated Cassandra further and removed the proverbial gloves. “You do realize, the more you keep quiet, the more the other media are going to jump on the bandwagon. I’m giving you a chance to tell all. He’s Seattle’s Mr. All-American. Together you’ll be America’s sweethearts. Up and coming chef with tragically injured boyfriend who’s fighting for his career. It’s gold. Are you sure you don’t want to use the fame to jump start your career?”

The offenses kept rolling off this woman’s tongue and she seemed oblivious to the insult. Ivy’s nails bit into her palms but she kept the serene smile on her lips. “I appreciate the offer but again, you’ll need to through Sam’s spokesman if you want to talk to him. As for myself, I’ll pass. I have no desire to use Sam’s career to further my own. I have to get back to work. Did you have any more questions?”

“Many but they can wait. The deal is still on the table, call me when you change your mind.” Cassandra handed her a business card, a hint of admiration in her expression before she turned on her heel and marched away. The cameraman followed and Ivy’s anxiety lessened with every step the two took.

“Way to tell her where to go.” Beth stood behind her, Sam’s laptop clasped in her arms.

Ivy crumpled the cardstock in her hand, her legs still shaking from the confrontation. Pissing off the media wasn’t the smartest thing to do and she had a bad sense Cassandra wasn’t going away any time soon. “Did you get the document to open?”

“Just after you left the office. There’s formatting issues but otherwise its good as new. You got your wish on this one. One crisis down, a bazillion more to go.”

Chapter Nineteen

Yawning, Ivy padded bare foot out of the bedroom and into the bright living room. Sam sat on the couch, his leg propped on the overstuffed ottoman. In the past ten days, the swelling in his knee had lessened and he was walking with a cane.