Page 41 of Quarterback Sneak

She laughed and the gentle sound cut into his soul. A perfunctory knock sounded at the door and the doctor entered.

“I think this is our clue to leave. Ivy, let’s go get some coffee.”

After one last squeeze of her hand, he let her go. Despite how frustrated today proved, he was slipping ever deeper into her web and he wouldn’t have it any other way.

Chapter Sixteen

“Good morning, Chef.” The dishwasher at Vicenzo’s nodded to Ivy as he passed.

“Good morning.” If only that were entirely true. Ivy leaned over the prep sink, the action stretching her sore back muscles. The spasm was not from her hike but from sitting in an uncomfortable hospital chair until the wee hours of the morning waiting for Sam’s diagnosis. Her shoulders dropped, and she hissed air from clenched lips. She lifted the heavy roll of hamburger from beneath the steady stream of cold water and the distinctive odor of rotting meat hit her. It stunk as much as the situation with Sam. Wrinkling her nose, she grabbed a Sharpie and started to write “do not use” on the packaging. This wasn’t the first time she’d had an issue with this butcher.

A loud curse came from the bus station, followed by a crash. Heart in her throat, she dropped the five-pound roll back into the sink and rushed across the kitchen to push open the double doors.

“What’s going on? I heard somebody yell.”

Beth stood over the broken coffee pot, a bus towel pressed to her bleeding fingertip. “I slipped on the damned floor. Janitorial did a shitty job mopping last night.”

“Are you okay?” Ivy asked, more concerned over Beth than the broken pot. The last thing she wanted was another injury on her conscious. Not their either the dishwasher or Sam’s injury were her fault but she still felt responsible.

“I’m okay. I slipped but I managed to grab ahold of the garbage can.”

Retrieving the broom and dustpan from the corner, Ivy made a mental note to add yet another issue to her list, contacting the janitorial company. Running a restaurant was a never-ending challenge, one she enjoyed more often than not despite the setbacks.

“Ok, I have to know. Is it true? Is his knee busted?” Beth asked.

Ivy swept up the glass into the dustpan, wishing she could sweep away the question as easily. “I can’t tell you much. We spent hours at the hospital last night with the team doctor. Basically, his knee is swollen and until the swelling goes down, they won’t know the true extent of his injury. Right now, he’s passed out at my house on pain meds.”

“The sport stations are already predicting he’ll be out for the season. With his injury and no contract, he’s pretty much screwed. Man, he must be devastated.” Beth grabbed a glass and filled it with ice. She depressed the lever on the soda machine and poured herself a coke.

“Actually, he’s not. I am convinced he’s in denial; he claims I’m overreacting.” Would his injury make a difference in their relationship? The injury itself had nothing to do with the way she cared about him but the way he reacted to it had.

“The whole city is freaking out and he’s not?” Beth asked, taking a sip of her drink. “I mean it’s on all the news stations, both local and national. There are actually camera crews sitting outside his house. You’re lucky they don’t know he’s staying at your place.”

“I’m lucky Howler is a genius and arranged for a body double to pose as Sam while me and the real Sam escaped out the back entrance. Although we’re not out of the woods yet. There was a man in the elevator that filmed us and Howler said he posted it on line somewhere.” Ivy dumped the contents of the dustpan in the garbage can. The clank of glass as it hit the bottom reflected Ivy’s own fragile hold on her nerves. To be found out in theory, was one thing. To be exposed in practice was another.

“He did. Apparently, a lot of people still believe you’re Gabriella. Of course, her people refused to comment, which was a good move on their end. She recently gained ten pounds and the press was up in arms. But this little juicy bit of P.R. will no doubt land her a cover despite her reported obesity. As if. The girl’s a stick with boobs.”

The idea of Sam with another woman still sparked the tiniest bit of jealousy within Ivy until she reminded herself of the woman’s sexual orientation. “Howler wanted to do the exact same thing, but Sam wouldn’t let him. I have to give it to the guy, he definitely watches out for Sam’s best interest.”

“Sounds like someone I’d like. You should invite him to my birthday party. Hopefully, Sam will be well enough to come,” Beth said.

“Let’s hope so.” Ivy wasn’t sure if she wanted him to attend because of the press. She’d spied several suspicious men loitering outside of the restaurant, cameras in hand. Obviously, not everyone believed the story about Gabriella. The wolfs were circling and she was their latest prey. She resisted the urge to shutter at the very idea and turned away from Beth, returning the broom to its place.

Ivy glanced down at the appointment reminder. “I have a conference call with Seasoned Chef. In case I’m not done by one o’clock, can you have a busser run over some lunch for Sam? I’ll send you a text to remind you.”

“That would work if I had my phone. Aaron took mine since some skank stole his last night. But don’t worry, I won’t forget.”

Took his phone? More likely he left it in her car. Ivy bit back the retort. Beth wouldn’t appreciate it.

Ivy started to walk away but stopped in her tracks. She called over her shoulder. “Beth, please be sure to tell me when the meat rep gets here. I need to talk to him.”

At Beth’s nod, Ivy jogged up the steps and entered her office. Even after Sam had encouraged her to accept the offer, she’d debated the wisdom of agreeing. There were too many what-if’s that could happen between the show and now. She wanted things to work out between them. What if it didn’t? She had no doubt he’d honor his promise but then she’d be forced to spend time with him.

Sam might be guilty of trying to put a positive spin on things but lately, she was guilty of doing the opposite. She had always been a glass-half-full person until Kevin had tarnished her once blind faith in people. Since being with Sam, her outlook had blackened even more by her own insecurities, ones she’d never realized she had. She was turning into someone she didn’t recognize and she wasn’t happy about it.

She plopped down in her chair and turned on the computer. A blue screen appeared and her finger hovered over the conference link Alice had included in her last email. Once she clicked this email, the conversation would inevitably turn to the tournament and she’d needed to give her an answer.

The heart of every argument her mind could come up with was a gut instinct that warred with her head. This was her career, her goals and aspirations. Ten years down the line, would she be happy with her decision to use Sam’s celebrity to further her own?