Page 39 of Quarterback Sneak

His condescending statement sent her fingers drumming harder against the leather and she raised her chin. A couple passed by the car, a screaming child in the man’s arms. Ivy envied the baby the freedom of expressing herself with a piercing screech.

“But what if it’s more? Then what?”

“Then I’ll deal with it.” His phone dinged and he glanced down at the screen. After scanning the text, he put an address in the car’s GPS and started the navigation.

The robotic voice issued through the speakers. She started the engine and put the car in gear. “How, by ignoring it?”

“I’m not ignoring it. I’m putting it into perspective. The moment the ball is snapped, I can’t let the threat of the opposing team wanting to pound me into the ground distract me. When I’m running down field with a three-hundred pound linebacker on my heels, I have to convince myself that I’ll make it safely to the end zone. To do otherwise is asking for defeat.”

Instead of soothing her jangled nerves, his unconcealed composure infuriated her and she wasn’t sure why. He was keeping a positive attitude, what was wrong with that? Because it’s annoying and disingenuous, nobody can be that perfect all the time. “So you’re trying to tell me you’re not the littlest bit concerned. This is your career we’re talking about. Worse case scenario, you’re on the injured list and can’t play. This could be life altering for you, Sam.”

“Then I’ll handle it. Please don’t worry. Everything will turn out fine.” He clasped her hand and brought it to his mouth. “Howler wants us to meet him at the hospital to see a specialist, we should probably get going.”

Putting the car into park, Ivy pulled out of the lot. Rain lashed harder against the windshield and she turned the wiper blades on high. The water was swept away but more filled its place, like the adverse thoughts that kept her mind spinning.

Sam said and did all the right things. On paper he was the perfect boyfriend. She should have been comforted by his steadfastness but his closed off demeanor aroused old fears and uncertainties.

Once again, this was all on her and had nothing to do with Sam.

Or did it?

She wasn’t sure any more.

Sam shifted in his seat, more relieved than he cared to admit when Ivy pulled into the covered valet entrance of the hospital. The sound of rain hitting the roof on the drive to the hospital had echoed the insistent throb of his leg. The overhang stopped the rain. The pain in his knee lived on, a stark reminder of her earlier words. This could be life altering for you, Sam.

Huffing out a breath, he shook off the implication of her statement. He had to remain positive. To do otherwise was self-defeating. Despite his resolve, the change in weather suited his mood but wreaked havoc on his already strained nerves. “Thank you for bringing me here. You can take the car home and I’ll send someone to pick it up later.”

She threw the car into park, her face shadowed by the streetlights outside the window. “I’m not leaving you here alone.”

“I won’t be alone. Howler is here.” He unfastened his seatbelt and attempted to lift his injured leg. It screamed in protest and he twisted his neck to hide his grimace. “It’s been a long day. Go home and get some sleep. I know you have to work in the morning.”

“So I’m supposed to go home and worry instead? Unless…” she trailed off, uncertainty marking her tone.

Harnessing his own discomfort, he lifted the icepack and held onto a different part of his knee. It didn’t take a genius to realize she was upset. With him or the entire situation was up for interpretation. “Unless?”

“Unless you’re worried about me being there.”

Hurt laced her words and he swallowed a lump of guilt. Since he’d met her, he felt as if he were walking on eggshells regarding his career. He wanted to tell her, damn did he want to tell her but with his injury, everything was up in the air. More so than ever. This was a potential game changer. With only two months left before pre-season, he could be sidelined until the end of the season.

She crossed her arms, and stared outside, her profile hauntingly striking and proud in the dim light. “I understand you value your privacy but I’m capable of keeping a confidence.”

A figure emerged from the hospital and began to run towards the car while an orderly with a wheelchair followed. “I never doubted you would. I have every faith in your ability to keep my confidence. But it’s going to be a long night and by the time I’m finished, I can guarantee you there will be a whole shitload of media waiting.”

“And you think I can’t handle it?” she asked, running a hand through her hair.

Already, he could read the fear emanating from her at the prospect of being found out.

Cupping her face, he turned her chin with his thumb, forcing her to look at him. “I think you shouldn’t have to.”

Long lashes lowered over her eyes before she raised them. “How do you know the media will be there?”

Dropping his hand, he waved toward the two men fast approaching the car. “Because somebody will leak it, they always do, no matter how careful I try to be.” While infuriating to no end, he had to be brutally honest.

The passenger side door opened. “Hey you two.”

“Howler, I presume,” Ivy said, unfastening her own seatbelt. From the determined jut of her jaw, she was coming inside, no matter what. He didn’t know if he should be happy or pissed that she disregarded his warning.

“You presume right, Ivy.” Howler flashed a shit-eating grin, adding to Sam’s escalating annoyance.