Page 34 of Quarterback Sneak

“I never pegged you as a cat person,” he said.

“I’m not. She sort of found me.” Ivy closed her eyes, her head dropping. “Ignore her. Unless you’re allergic…” her eyelids flew open. Please, please, please, don’t let that be the case. “You’re not allergic are you?”

“No, not allergic.” Wrapping his arm about her waist, he maneuvered them onto their sides. She twisted her neck, mouth begging for his kiss. He obliged her request. Happiness expanded in her chest, while he slipped his hand between her legs, fingertip massaging her clit, whipping her into a frenzy.

Helpless to do anything but enjoy the pleasure building, she kissed him with increasing desperation. Another wave, more forceful than the first began to burn a path through her core. She rocked back into his increasing thrusts, meeting him stroke for stroke, the rhythm of their lovemaking in tandem. The moon light shadowed his body, and she inhaled deeply, absorbing everything about him into her memory.

Ivy never considered herself a vocal lover but with each assault on her senses, she wanted to open her mouth and shout her pleasure to the roof tops. She snapped her jaw shut, willing the primal urge down.

“Don’t,” he said, the sensual growl sending her eyes open again. “Don’t hold back. Don’t ever hold back, or I’ll keep you here all night until you lose all semblance of control.”

“Spoken like a true stalk…er—”A flood of sensation followed her pronouncement and the scream burst from her throat, the high, keening wail bringing a triumphant smile to his lips. She shuttered in his embrace, absorbing his energy. Everything seemed better when he was around and the intimacy they shared was no different.

Sam flipped her onto her back and, with one powerful thrust, he filled more than her body. She clung to him, allowing him to plunder her mouth, desperation in his kiss. His strong frame bowed in the throw of fulfillment. Tearing his mouth from hers, he arched his neck.

He looked fierce in his pleasure, a roman warrior come to life.

Ivy cupped his cheek and allowed her thumb to glide along his chin. Sam might be the perfect man that she’d wished for in her life. They certainly had a lot in common and since they’d met, she’d been happier than she’d been in ages. Kevin lived in the past, a distant memory, yet the ghost of him haunted her.

Perhaps Sam would be the man who renewed her faith in men.

Sam finished the last set of pushups and lay down on the grass. He grabbed a reusable water bottle and drank deep. Another warm morning; another practice in the hot sun and still no contract. Would this be his last year on the green making magic? His last year in Seattle, he amended. There was still San Francisco. He tipped his bottle and drained the rest, the cool liquid quenching his physical thirst. Nothing could quench his need for answers.

The wolves circled the perimeter of the field. It didn’t take a genius to realize they were waiting for the coach to blow the whistle on today’s workout. Every day they asked the same question, and every day he had no answer.

A shadow fell over him and he glanced up to find Howler, a huge grin creasing his cheeks.

“You look pleased with yourself. Please tell me you have good news.”

“I have good news.” Despite the heat, Howler wore a dark suit and tie with expensive leather shoes. Hands in his pocket, he rocked back on his heels. “I got a message from Miller. He wants to see you first thing on Monday.”

Sam collapsed on the ground and allowed relief to wash over him. Miller never negotiated with a player. He let his people do the dirty work until the paperwork was ready to sign. When the time came, he presented the offer, as if he was Santa and the player was some little kid whose dream he made come true. Ina way he was.

“He’s out of town but is making a special trip back here to talk to you.”

“That’s mighty big of him.” The arrogance of the man reminded Sam of Patrick who had possessed a similar mentality. Like Miller, Patrick’s family was old money and could be traced back to the settling of Seattle. Sam’s Caldwell cousins still owned the company. Although Sam inherited a few shares of his own, Patrick had snorted most of his birthright up his nose in the form of cocaine, and in the end, with crystal meth.

“I thought so. I am not surprised he caved this quickly. San Francisco isn’t shy about letting their intentions be known. He’s been in a continuous pissing contest with their owner since the bastard landed the top draft pick two years running.”

Sam climbed to his feet and stretched his arms over his head. With so many watching, he wasn’t at liberty to express his real feelings about the whole affair. If he were the spiteful type, he’d refuse the offer and accept San Francisco’s. He had too much at stake to allow himself the luxury of giving into his pride. “I’m just glad things worked out.”

“Don’t get too excited. I haven’t seen the final contract yet. There might be some hidden gems in there. It’s supposed to be delivered later this afternoon by Raina. Once I’m done with her, I’d like to go over the details with you in person.”

“Don’t be a douche to her on my account. She doesn’t deserve it.” Sam reached down and retrieved his gym bag.

“I’m never a douche to her on your account. I’m a douche to her because she’s a major bitch.

“She’s had a bad few months. Give her a break for my sake. Our breakup was hard for her in more ways then I’m at liberty to tell you.”

“Did she cheat on you?” Howler narrowed suspicious eyes. “Or did you cheat on her?”

“Knute, over here,” a man called out. Sam looked up to see a reporter, followed by a cameraman rushing along the outer fence in a direct line with his path.

He waved at the man and forced a smile. Out of the corner of his mouth, he spoke to Howler. “No, I didn’t cheat on her. And no, I’m not going to tell you more.”

“Knute, is it true you’re meeting with Miller on Monday?” The reporter shouted, cutting through his conversation with Howler. Sam hid his scowl. Miller loved to leak the information to the press soon after he contacted the player’s agent.

“Let me handle this,” Howler said.