Ivy pressed the elevator button multiple times, her impatience in sync with his growing desire to get her alone. Sam slipped behind Ivy and allowed his fingers to span her waist while he kissed the patch of skin near her hairline where tiny baby wisps grew. She leaned back into him, her buttocks brushing his groin in a seductive sway.
“What the hell is wrong with this thing?” She jabbed at the button once more, a raw edge to her smoky voice.
In answer, a welcome ding sounded.
“Finally.” He dragged her tighter to him and rubbed his cock more fully into the plump flesh of her bottom. “I was about to suggest we take the stairs.”
The doors opened and an elderly woman with a walker tried to exit, but her overfed Pomeranian had other ideas.
“Great,” Sam said with an ironic laugh and dropped his hands from Ivy’s person. His mother had taught him to be respectful of his elders and as much as he yearned to ignore the lady’s struggles, he couldn’t be rude.
“Good evening, Mrs. Morris. Is Terrance being difficult?” Ivy asked, taking the dog’s leash from the frail wrist.
“He’s a stubborn little minx. My son is coming to pick me up and take me for ice cream. Do you like ice cream?” Mrs. Morris asked.
“Love it. Do you need help?” Ivy asked.
At Mrs. Morris’ nod, Ivy clasped the elderly woman’s hand and held her steady while Sam pulled the walker from the elevator.
“Such a strong young man,” the woman said, her own petite frame bent with age. “You remind me of my brother. He was a soldier in the Vietnam War. He died in battle, you know. So tragic.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Sam positioned the walker outside the elevator car and waited for her to shuffle to the device. She moved at such a painful pace he had to resist the urge to pick her up and deposit her by the buildings outer door.
Ivy held the elevator open button and handed him the dog’s leash, eyes sparkling with amusement, a hint of frustration, and good old-fashioned lust. The sight revved his heightened libido and he ached to join her but maneuvering Mrs. Morris was slow going, especially when she insisted on sharing her life story with Sam.
Had this been happening to anyone else, he would have found the situation comical. Fate obviously had a sick sense of humor. Thankfully, Mr. Morris pushed through the lobby doors just as the elevator buzzer rang.
”Well, good night.” Sam escaped to the elevator before she could introduce him to her son.
The doors closed behind him and he licked his lips as Ivy started to unbutton the green silk top she wore. The fabric parted to reveal a black lace bra, the sight breaching the wall of restraint he’d erected. He hauled her flush to him and tilted her jaw with his thumb. His mouth branded hers and he settled himself tighter between her thighs. Exactly where he yearned to be.
She deepened the kiss, her tongue provoking his lust. The prolonged anticipation to possess her was proving unbearable. Her hand slipped down his front, her fingers seeking out his cock. He moaned at the first contact and the denim of his jeans became too confining He wanted nothing between him and Ivy but skin.
The elevator stopped. “Finally.”
Ivy shook her head and adjusted her skirt. “It’s not my floor.”
“Of course it’s not.” The irony wasn’t lost on him. This night was never going to happen. He removed his jacket, strategically placed it in front of him, and turned his back to her. The last thing he needed was someone to catch him on camera sporting wood.
Shit, was this elevator video monitored? He allowed his gaze to shift across the car, thankful to see no camera or sign saying they were being watched. Relief gave way to irritation. Why weren’t they monitored? Ivy lived here. What if she were attacked like tonight? He wouldn’t always be there to protect her. Especially if he accepted a place on the San Francisco team.
“Hey dude.” A man carrying a basket of laundry entered. Sam moved closer to Ivy and crossed his arms. The unwelcome passenger startled a bit at the aggressive gesture and cast sidelong glances at him. Sam stared him down. If the guy had any designs on Ivy, then he’d think again about approaching her.
The man smartly focused on the door and not the other occupants of the car.
Sam experienced a surge of satisfaction at the result followed by a touch of guilt. Intimidating a complete stranger for some conceived wrong wasn’t his usual style. The events of the night rattled him more than he thought, especially since the second Ivy had invited him into her bed, shit had hit the fan. He was determined the rest of the night would be blissful. If only this damn elevator would reach her floor. He couldn’t stomach many more distractions.
“We made it.” Ivy shut her apartment door, relieved to finally be alone with Sam. Never before could she recall aching to be with a man this bad or hitting so many obstacles to gain her body’s desire.
“Finally.” Sam pushed her against the cool wood of the closed door. His warm and wicked mouth found the sweet spot beneath her ear, striking a pulsating chord that she felt to her toes. Capable hands slipped beneath the fabric of her shirt and slid it off her shoulders.
She tugged at his pants in retaliation. Nothing would satisfy her more at this moment than to be skin-to-skin with this man, touching him at will without constraint. He released her long enough to pull his t-shirt off. Ivy knew he was ripped and he didn’t disappoint. His chest was wide and deeply muscled with abs to die for. She traced the lines of his taut belly with shaking fingers, wanting to explore every inch of him.
Her touch sparked the fire brighter and his scorching gaze skimmed her bare skin, calloused palms kneading her breasts. His strong frame radiated vitality that sucked her in like a magnet. She explored the hills and valleys of his torso while he unfastened the front catch of her bra. He kissed his way down her collarbone, lips gliding seductively along the swell of her breasts. His nearness made her mind spin. She pressed her lips together as his tongue flicked across her nipple, her nails digging into the firm muscles of his lower back. Something intense flared through her, desperation and a deep longing to feel him moving deep inside of her.
Ivy unfastened his jeans and looped eager fingers into the fabric. She growled in frustration. Years of working out had honed his thighs and it proved difficult to rid him of the garment.
A knock sounded at the door and her growl turned into a moan of aggravation. This was bordering on the ridiculous.