“You have nothing to be sorry for. This was allhim.”
“I know that. I am sorry he did this, but I’m sorrier for walking out the last time we were together. I have missed you so much, Kinley.” He kissed her lips.
“It’s alright. I know you were angry with me when I said I did want kids, but I don’t need them, Levi. I only need you.”
“Let’s talk inside without an audience.”
Kinley nodded, took his hand and led him into her home. They walked to the sofa and sat down.
Levi held on to her hand, and looked into her eyes. He took a deep breath, hoping this would go well.
“I went to Dewey’s—” he stopped when Kinley gasped. “I didn’t drink. I ordered a shot of whiskey. I wanted to prove to myself that I didn’t need it. Scarlett and I talked. I told her everything about my past, and you. I told her I loved you more than anything and she asked me if I loved you more than that drink. I said, definitely. She then suggested I talk to someone who had been through it but is in a good relationship now.” Levi grinned. “I pushed the drink away. It didn’t appeal to me in the least, and I knew I’d never drink again. Then I had a long talk with a friend of mine. He had a childhood almost as bad, but he got through it. He’s married and has two kids. He’s happy.”
“Ryder Wolfe.”
“I know Ryder and Kelsey. They are bothhappy. Their kids are adorable.”
“Yeah, I saw them. She answered the door, holding one of them, and the other was clinging to her leg and she had a big smile on her face. I could tell she was very happy. Even with the little boy tugging at her pant leg, the smile never left her face. She didn’t seem frazzled, just… happy. After talking with Ryder, he made me realize that even though LeRoy was a bastard, my mother was a kind, loving woman, and I have her blood running through me too. Then he said I was a good man because of her and Mr. Brown. Kinley, I promise to never hurt you or any children we have.”
“You don’t have to promise me. I know you won’t. I trust you completely.”
“And I trust you. I love you, Kinley. I will never do anything that would make you want to leave me.”
“I love you too. I won’t do anything to make you want to leave me either. These past couple of months have been hell.”
Levi grinned. “You can say that again.”
“We’ll be fine. Wait. You said, any children we have.”
“You heard right. I want to marry you. I didn’t realize I wanted kids until I saw Kelsey and Ryder’s.”
“You want to have kids?”
“Yes,” he said with conviction.
Kinley wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close for a kiss.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive. We’re going to make this legal.” He kissed her lips. “Now, when are you going tomove in with me?”
“Whenever you want. I think I’ll rent this place to someone.”
“Sounds like a good idea.” He glanced down to see Tootsie staring at him, then he looked at Kinley. “The cat will stay here, right?” He chuckled when she elbowed him.
“She’ll get used to you.”
“Sure.” He shook his head.
“Are you sure about this?” Kinley asked again.
“I am. Seeing Ryder’s family and how happy they were made me realize that I could have that too. With you.”
Kinley stood, put her hand out to him, and pulled him to his feet.