“They took down a bull.”
“What did you do?”
“We ran the wolves off by shooting into the air and got the bull back to the barn, but had to call the vet. He was in pretty bad shape.”
“How did you know it was happening?”
“Cody has trail cameras all over the place and connected to our phones. Randy, one of the ranch hands, alerted us.”
“I hope the bull will be okay. Aren’t they a little big for wolves to attack?”
“No. If they’re hungry enough, a pack will attack anything to survive. I’ve seen them take a full-grown male moose down.” He opened the door to the diner, and nodded for her to go inside.
“I remember a few years ago, Preston Mitchell was having a hard time with wolves. They had killed one of his horses, then went after a colt.”
“Yeah, I remember that. Wolves will take food where they can find it. Even a human. I just hope the bull makes it. It’s one of Cody’s best bulls.”
“Did Tess go out there?”
“No. It seems she has another vet working with her. Dr. Russell.”
“I didn’t know she’d hired another vet. She’s so busy though. Man or woman?”
“I’m sure I’ll meet her when I take Tootsie in for her shots.”
Levi chuckled and shook his head. “Tootsie.”
Kinley smiled. She was glad he’d forgiven her for jumping to conclusions.
They made their way to a booth and sat down. Connie came by, took their orders, then returned with their drinks.
“I was going to ask if you want to go outSaturday night for dinner,” Levi said.
Kinley grinned. “I’d love to. Where? Just so I know what to wear.”
“How about the Hartland?”
“Can you get a reservation this late?”
Levi grinned. “I already did.” He laughed when she narrowed her eyes at him.
“You’ve got some balls, cowboy,” she snapped.
“I thought if you said no, I’d just cancel. I wasn’t confident you’d go, so don’t give me that look. I’m not stupid when it comes to women. I learned a long time ago to never assume anything when it comes to them.”
She laughed. “Fair enough, and yes, I’d love to go.”
“The reservations are for six, is that okay?”
“Good. I’ll pick you up around five-thirty.”
“Okay. Can’t wait.”