“Maybe she thought I’d kick his ass.”
“Hell, Killian, you’re a lover not a fighter. Not that you wouldn’t finish a fight but I’ve never known you to start one.”
“I don’t. No matter how pissed I get. Dad always said—”
“Never throw the first punch,” the brothers said together.
“Yeah, and I’ve lived by that. I can’t say I didn’t want to wipe the damn smirk off his face, but that’s not me.” Killian shook his head. “He probably thinks I’m afraid of him.”
Kian laughed. “Damn, was he blind? Don’t let this go to your head, but you’re a big guy and I’d want you on my side.”
Killian chuckled. “Like you’d need help.”
“True, but neither of us look for trouble.”
“I deal with enough liars on the job. Everydamn thief lies. I don’t need to hear lies from my friends or family.”
“I get it. I do, but you could have let her explain.”
“Kian, she saw him twice before Dewey’s. She had plenty of time to explain.”
“I know. But she might have been afraid of how you’d react.”
“Damn, she should know me by now. I’m not a hothead. I learned a long time ago not to let my temper get out of control. If I did, the man who left Bruno in his car would have been facedown on the sidewalk.”
Kian sighed. “Yeah, you’re right. She should have known she could tell you.” He shrugged. “Maybe she thought he’d leave once she told him to.”
“And that makes the lying alright?”
“No, of course not.”
“I miss her, I’m not going to lie, but I have to get past this before I even talk with her again.”
“Well, I hope you work it out. Women can be a pain in the ass, but we sure do love them.”
“How about you tell me about you and Sheila?”
“That’s over.”
“Yeah, I figured that. Why?”
“I wanted to get married. She didn’t.”
“Why not?”
“I have no idea. She just said she wasn’t ready. Do you ever want to get married?”
“I thought I did.”
“To be honest, I’d love to settle down and get married, but it won’t be with Sheila. I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.” Kian shookhis head.
Killian had wanted to spend his life with Celine, but right now he wasn’t sure that would happen. He knew if he wanted to be with her, he had to get past what she did.
“I want to get past this with Celine. I’m just not ready yet. It’s too new.”
“I understand.” Kian stood. “Do you want another beer?”
“If you’re getting one, yeah.”