Whatever it is, it’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever eaten. But I can’t concentrate on that now, as this unnamed woman pulls me out of the bedroom and to the left side of the hall, where she opens a door. “What did you say your name was again?”
“I didn’t.” She looks at me with a grin practically as wide as this hallway. “But it’s Bria.”
I’m still in my pajamas. Didn't she say to get dressed? “My clothes are in the room.”
She shakes her head, “No, we’re going to get you in something that’s... cuter. I saw your skirts. Aren’t you tired of wearing them?”
I shrug. “It’s all I’ve ever worn.” Then, I tilt my head. “How did you see my skirts?”
"I had a feeling." She gestures animatedly. “Mrs. Polo unpacked your bags. I tried to wake you, but she stopped me.” Her eyes roam over me. "I’m not sure if we’ll fit the same size. You have way better curves than I do."
I stifle a laugh. “You’re also like a foot taller than me.”
We both giggle as we step into her massive walk-in closet. “I like you, Magnolia.” Her manicured nails skim through rows of vivid colors, but she lands on a black dress. “Here! This will looksogood on you.”
It seems like something for a fancy dinner. "Where are we going?"
She shrugs. "I don't know. Do you want to get some lunch?"
I stare at the dress in my hands. "This… for lunch?" This is an evening dress for someone more distinguished, which isn’t me by a long shot.
Bria flicks her wrist, displaying a dazzling set of red nails. I've never had my nails done. "Don't be shy, try it on."
I've changed in front of hundreds of strangers throughout my life; our rooms were a revolving door for other girls, so this doesn't bother me at all. I slip into the thin fabric but can barely get it past my thighs. "It doesn’t fit." I blush.
“No worries! We’ll go shopping after lunch. How does that sound?”
I nod in response, but I need answers.Like why am I here?
After returning to my room and changing into a plaid skirt with a white top, I return back to Bria. "I'd like to talk to Mr. Donati."
Mrs. Polo comes into Bria's room, directing her smile at me. “Mr. Donati is waiting for you in his library.”
I glance at the women, observing Bria's beauty. Her long golden hair is freshly curled; she's undoubtedly Mr. Donati's girlfriend, though I don't see a ring on her finger, so not his wife. “Where is the library?”
“Down the hall, there’s an open archway to your right,” Bria tells me.
As I stroll down the hall by myself, I savor a morning free from cleaning. I ponder whether this is what life in the boarding home will entail. Upon reaching the end of the hall, I discover an open archway that showcases a stunning, lengthy room. Each wall is lined with towering shelves brimming with books. How did I overlook that last night?
Probably because I couldn’t keep my eyes open long enough to question what was even happening.
I delve deeper into the shelves, captivated by the warm crackle of the fire. The sound guides me until a standing shelf obstructs my path, revealing a mahogany desk behind it.
There, Mr. Donati sits in a spacious leather chair, turned toward the fire.
To my left, a window reveals a brilliant view of the garden. I would never expect to find such a serene spot in a bustling city, but this place seems hidden and untouched. Rose bushes are scattered throughout, and a small fountain sprays water from its center. The August sun has led a helping hand to keeping everything lusciously green.
I can't understand why Mr. Donati would choose to face the fire when he could enjoy the beauty of the garden.
"Good morning, Ms. Finley," he greets.
"Magnolia," I say, trying to get his attention while positioning myself between him and the fire. He continues to ignore me, fixated on his papers. "Mr. Donati?—"
He turns the page. "Sin."
Axle lays at his feet. When he catches sight of me, he comes to lay by me. Mr. Donati huffs at his abandonment.