Page 9 of Taken By Sin

I never would have imagined something in the city could look like this. There’s a gothic presence about it, but somehow, it’s the most modern thing I’ve ever seen. We’re tucked away on what I assume is a fancy street, and it’s quiet here.

I’m used to the chatter of girls around me, but the silence is nearly deafening. Even when we came to the city to visit the church, it wasn’t like this. There were sirens everywhere, and the sisters would warn us that the city was full of sinful sounds.

But as I slip into a pair of pajamas that were laid out for me, I don't feel anything sinful. The silk sheets are like butter against my legs.

It feels like a fever dream, all of it unreal. My body is shutting down; I can feel the adrenaline from the day being replaced with a sleepy melody that makes my body feel heavier with every breath.

Goodnight, moon.

It isn’t but a few minutes after I sink into the softest bed I’ve ever laid on that I drift into a long, deep sleep.

Natural light gently spills through the window, rousing me in a way that feels different from home... or rather, the place I grew up. Back there, the sun would sneak in wherever the bare branches allowed, sprinkling sparse beams of light to announce the start of a new day.

But here, it’s almost like the windows were made with the sun in mind. I even stick my leg out from the heavy comforter to see if I can feel its warmth.

I do.

A knock sounds, and against all better judgment, I slip back into bed and shut my eyes. I’m uncertain why, but I do it anyway.

Cautiously glancing, I observe a pair of elegant black dress shoes moving toward the distant window. Aware that their owner is turned away, I take a quick peek.

Mr. Donati appears irritated as he silently yanks the curtains aside and shakes his head. The room brightens significantly, making me squint when I shut my eyes once more.

As I hear his footsteps grow closer to me, my heart thunders. I keep my eyes shut.

The soft bedding dips and I suck in a gentle string of breath, he’s nuzzling against me. I don’t react, I don’t even know what to do. I’ve never been alone in the bedroom with a man, much less in the same bed! Then the weirdest sensation covers my hand; it’s wet. A lick.

“Don’t wake her, Axle,” Mr. Donati chuckles as a cold nose lifts my hand to try to get me to pet him. It’s a dog, and that nearly makes me turn around and snuggle the pup. I’ve always wanted one, but the orphanage didn’t allow them.

Mr. Donati’s knuckles graze my cheek gently, wiping the hair from my face. "What am I going to do with you, Magnolia?"

A million questions dance through my mind, but curiosity keeps me quiet. His touch, pulling the comforter higher around me, the way he keeps moving a wild hair that flops back, it calms me.

Sin begins to retreat, begging Axle to come with him, but the dog doesn’t budge.

“Seriously?” he huffs. “You don’t like anyone,” he tells the pup before closing the door. It creaks open again, hesitantly. “You sure, buddy?”

Axle huffs and collapses his face against my side. The door closes again, but this time it’s followed by leather soles tapping against the floor as Mr. Donati walks away.

I glance over at the dog, seeing he’s as long as I am! His tail wags excitedly, and his tongue is playfully sticking out. He’s a rottweiler and quite possibly the goodest boy I’ve ever seen.

I gently stroke the soft fur on his head, and he sweetly nudges his nose into my neck. The thick chain of his collar feels a bit uncomfortable and cold against my skin, so I decide to take it off. A big lick wets my cheek, and I try to stifle my laughter. With Axle beside me, I feel safe and cozy, and soon I drift off to sleep again.

A gentle shake wakes me later.

As my eyes flutter open, I anticipate to see Mr. Donati. Instead, I find two women. One is older, pushing a cart and wearing an apron, her graying hair framing decades of smile lines. I scan the room for Axle, but he’s nowhere to be found.

The other is young, maybe mid-twenties. She’s in high heels, a tight red dress, with bleach-blonde hair that reaches below her chest. “Magnolia?” She smiles. “Good morning!”

I sit up too abruptly, causing a dizzy spell. "Hi," I nearly whisper. I recognize that I should feel more concerned about not being taken where I expected, but everyone has treated me so kindly that I believe there's a purpose for my presence here.

Besides, truth be told, I’m ready for an adventure.

"Come on, let’s get dressed!” The younger woman reaches out her hand, which I take.

She plucks a small cake from the tray. “Thanks, Mrs. Polo," she beams at the woman who brought in the food.

Mrs. Polo halts me with a gentle palm against my shoulder before I can pass her table. "Take whatever you’d like, dear." Her kindness radiates, filling the room with warmth when she smiles. I thank her and take a small plate, along with a cup of coffee.