“What happens in and around my homeismy business. If she weren’t meant to be here, why would I have her here?” Sin stands, walking around the table like some deadly form of duck-duck goose. “Maxwell, you’re one and only job is to be a bodyguard for Magnolia; I’ll call Lotty to watch over Bria.”
He nods, while Bria protests. “I don’t need a fucking guard, Sin. Especially not Lotty; that idiot couldn’t protect a goldfish.”
He swipes across the air with his hand, cutting her off and continuing his speech. “Rollins, you’re going to be Magnolia’s driver.”
“I’m okay, I can walk everywhere I need to go,” I say with a nervous chuckle. Sin looks back at me, with a slight hint ofirritation in his eyes. “With Maxwell of course.” I’m not Bria; I have no idea what this family is into and who their enemies are. I will gladly welcome protection.
That is, if I decide not to leave tonight.
That solely depends on Sin, as my things are already packed and ready to go.
Just in case.
As the meal is served, the air is filled with the delightful aromas of fresh herbs and spices. A beautifully cooked piece of pink salmon sits atop a bed of yellow rice, alongside steamed broccoli. Sin takes his seat at the head of the table. I discreetly offer a piece of fish to Axle, but Sin catches my gesture—he seems to see everything. I drizzle lemon juice from a small mesh pouch onto my fish and rice, and as soon as I take a bite, I can't help but moan with delight.
My eyes turn to Sin, who is observing me intently. "My compliments to the chef," I say, "this salmon is exquisite. I'm pleased it wasn't ruined by over-seasoning or anything."
He doesn't catch on; instead, he nods. "Our chef is one of the best in New York.
"Zeik," Sin says, and he stops shoveling food into his mouth. He looks like a frat boy. "How's the club going?"
"It's good; exchanging the house liquors for only top shelf and beyond has weeded out the bad crowd. We've only hadexecutives and our normal clientele. Occasional stragglers stroll in but leave quickly when they see we aren't a dollar beer spot."
“Good,” Sin replies, swirling a glass of bourbon. “Good call, Zeik.”
"That was my idea," Bria says under her breath.
Sin nods, waiting for him to continue. Zeik looks over at me, hesitating. "Umm," he sighs, "so we're doing this? Talking about all of our illegal business in front of this stranger."
Sin lets out a long sigh. "She's not a stranger; she's not even just a guest in my home like you are right now. You are inherdining room." Zeik only nods, sinking into his chair. Maxwell and Rollins, who have been as quiet as mice, grunt in approval of Sin's words.
I remain stiff, grateful for the safety, yet the poisonous words from his mouth frighten me. “Sorry, Magnolia," Zeik acknowledges with a nod.
"It's okay," I reply quietly.
"It's not," Sin replies, voice sharp. "She will be treated with as much respect as any Donati family member."
Zeik takes a sip of his water. “Noted.” He looks my way, tipping his head and looking more sincere than he has the entire dinner. “My apologies, Magnolia. Won’t happen again.”
Either the Donati family name carries enough respect to change his entire demeanor, or he’s aware that Sin is a dangerous man that isn’t to be messed with.
A lull happens as we eat, I try to enjoy my dinner, but I'm so distracted by everything around me.
Bria’s voice comes out quiet, timid. “I have an idea for the Rusco’s.” Every head whips in her direction.
Sin’s fist slams down onto the table, rattling the plates. “For fuck’s sake, Bria! You cannot interfere!” Sensitive subject, I assume.
She stands, tossing the napkin that was on her lap onto the table before storming out of the room. I push my seat back to go after her, but Sin stops me. "Please, do not follow my immature little sister."
“You won’t even hear her out,” I whine, trying to keep my voice level. I have no idea what's going on, but this is obviously important to Bria.
He inhales, leaning his head back slightly. “She is not allowed to go within one inch of the Rusco family; she knows this. They’re my fucking problem.”
“You’re going to ruin your relationship with your sister,” I sigh.
He ignores me. “Rollins, in a month I will need you to accompany me to Naples.”