Page 20 of Taken By Sin

The sound of dress shoes tapping on the ground gives way that it’s him, but I keep my eyes closed. As much as I want to talk to him, I’m going to stay quiet. I’ll see what he’s doing first, then I’ll talk.

I’m such a scaredy cat. I was ready to go find him, but now that he’s come to me, I’m shriveling up and being shy.

Axle makes it to the bed first. He gently jumps up and curls his long body behindmine.

Sin takes his time walking over. Finally, he approaches the bed and carefully sits beside me.

His inked fingers gently trap my hair, pulling the strands away from my face.

I strive to steady my breath as he leans in, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. He then moves to my ear, whispering something enchanting in a thick Italian accent, sending chills rising and prickling my skin.

“Ti rovinerò.”

He leaves just as quickly as he came in, and I grab my phone from the nightstand and head straight to the translation app I downloaded earlier.

I speak into my phone and watch in disbelief as it translates the words.

“I will ruin you.”


I’ve spent the majority of the morning completely avoiding Sin. Which isn’t hard, considering he’s been cooped up in his ridiculous, oversized office.

It’s not really ridiculous at all; it's classic and masculine and smells like him.

I would live in it.

I’m just annoyed with him.

What did he mean byI’m going to ruin you?

I didn’t even sleep last night after he left. I wrapped my arms around Axle and snuggled him, overthinking everything. At least I can trust the dog. He’s sporting a brand-new leather collar, smooth and not made of cold metal. I told Sin while we were shopping last night that I hid the other one, now Axle has something from Tiffany’s too.

Currently, I’m in the garden, enjoying the flowers while seated on a shiny white bench, all the while trying not to bother Sin.

Bria left early this morning to go shopping. She informed me that we’re having a family dinner tonight.

It reminded me of my life before, the one that seems so far away. The one that was just there and then gone in an instant. For the better, of course. I don’t blame the sisters for their strictness; they had to keep an ever-revolving house of girls in check, but it is nice to wake up and not have a million things to do. It’s like a vacation, one that doesn’t have to end.

I should have told Bria what happened last night. I don’t know her well, if at all, but I can imagine she would have gone to scream at Sin, so I kept my mouth shut.

I’m trying to get the courage to do just that.

This seems like one of those pivotal moments, one where I need to take a stand for myself. How will Sin react to someone, besides Bria, picking an argument with him?

Will he kick me out, get in my face? Only time will tell.

A ray of sunlight pours from the sky onto the stone pathway, illuminating Sin in a golden hue as he strolls toward me. He resembles a supermodel gracing the cover of one of the magazines I spotted in Bria’s room.

I would rather drown myself in the sparkling fountain than deal with him right now.

That may sound immature, especially when I’m looking for answers, but I don’t care. I’m done with the back and forth, and I don't have the mental capacity to have this conversation right now. I simply stand up, walk towards him, and then past him.

“Magnolia?” Sin says quietly, a hint of venom on his tongue. I touch my magnolia necklace for comfort, andalthough he bought it, it’s the first meaningful thing that’s ever been mine.

“I’m going out,” I respond as I walk away.

He laughs; I can’t see him, but I imagine he’s crossing his arms right about now. “Where?” he asks.