Page 66 of Fall onto me

“I know, but Wes would kill me if I didn’t at least fill him in. I just have to figure out the layout of this place so I can surprise him.”

“Wait.” I pause, remembering a conversation. “I know someone who may have a blueprint.”

Foster raises his thick brows. “Who?”

“Grace. Her grandfather was an architect, and when I went to her house, she had a stack of blueprints. It’s a long shot, but I can look through them.”

He nods, not hopeful, but I am. “Does she know?”

“No,” I scoff. “I haven’t told anyone. Have you?”

“Ryder, but only because I had to.”

I stiffen. “Did he tell Kate?”

“No, I told him it was vitally important that he didn’t.”

I breathe out, relieved. “Okay.”

“Want me to come with tomorrow?” Foster asks.

“No, we can cover more ground separating.”

“I don’t like that.” He grimaces.

“I know, but it’s necessary right now,” I tell him.

“You know if anyone fucks with you, I’ll rip their heads off.”

I smile. “I know.”

His fingertips trail down my shoulder, causing chills.

He leans down onto the bed, opening my legs with his knee. “Help me escape this nightmare for a little while?”


Kate runs into the room with a stack of money. “Got your tacos last night!” she sings, jumping onto the foot of the bed.

Foster is deep into a video game. Since last night, he’s kept himself busy. We were up half the night with each other doing everything besides talking, and now he’s shooting monsters and surely imagining it’s TK.

“How was your night?” I ask my best friend, trying to peel my eyes from his stoic face.

“Good!” She smiles, unaware of it all. “We hung out at the car show for a while. What are we doing today?”

I look around, pursing my lips. “Not sure. I think I’m going to visit Grace.”

“Fun. Any New Year’s resolutions?”

Foster loses, throws the controller, and looks Kate square in the eyes. “To exact revenge on anyone who wronged me.”

She nods her head, giving him a funny look. “A little dramatic but okay.” I laugh at her remarks, and so does Foster. Kate adds, “I, for one, have one goal this year. Graduation.”

I glance at Foster uneasily; another talk about the future that he doesn’t want to have. He kisses my forehead. “Going to shower.” He waves.

I lie down, and Kate follows. “I want to graduate too, and I want to get a house with Foster. I want a home.”

“That’s a good resolution to have, and I know you two will do it.”