The man interlaces his fingers. I can’t really see the movement, but I can hear it. “Oh, come on now, Ghost. Don’t be boring. I’ll give you an easy one.”
He loves this, the power and games he plays.
Foster asks, “What is it?”
“I need records, Brexit Salon on Main, by next week.”
“Why?” I ask, noting the way Foster slices his eyes at me.
TK ignores my question. “Where is my paperwork from last night?” he asks.
“Here.” Foster holds it up.
“Set it on the table. One of my men will pick it up later.” He’s sifting through his own paperwork, seemingly bored from the dry tone in his voice. “You’re dismissed.”
* * *
He’s driving,not talking. “Foster, I think Warren’s dad hired TK to—”
“It’s what I call the Keeper,” I say sluggishly. “Seriously, I think he’s trying to keep her from taking the club where they got divorced.”
“Why do you think that?” he asks, his lips tight.
As we drive down the dark streets towards the salon, I explain. “So, the first house you went to, do you remember their names?” He shakes his head. “Well, I do. I’ll explain later. We need to go to your place. You get the salon paperwork tomorrow. He said he doesn’t need it until next week?”
He taps the wheel with his palm, a smile on his face. “Good.”
“I’m not scared to do it,” I tell him.
He looks over at me. “I don’t think you’re scared Sky, I wish you were, but I know you’re not. Not when it comes to me, but the things I’ve done, although they’re misdemeanors, that shit stacks up into bigger problems. I don’t want you to be a part of this.”
“I get it,” I breathe. He doesn’t need the worry of me getting in trouble along with the pressures of him risking it all. “I won’t ask to come again.” I think I just needed to see the process, and now I need to map it out.
“You don’t fucking get it. You spoke to him, Skyler. You spoke to him when I asked you not to.”
I nod. “It was stupid.”
“You better be glad I love you so much.”
* * *
I walkinside Foster’s room with a purpose, but no real answers. “Sit down,” I tell him, “on the bed.”
He wiggles his brows, imagining a night filled with pleasure. I hate to break it to him, but that’s not what this is. “Calm down, Cowboy,” I tease.
He stands up and stalks closer to me. “I’ll show you why city boys are better.” When he pulls his lip between white teeth, I nearly let him audition, although I would have no reference besides him.
Though I doubt even in a thousand years that anyone could ever hold a candle to all that he is. “I have a theory.” I grab my notebook from my bag.
“You’re making a list, aren’t you?” Foster teases, pulling my notebook from my hands to kiss me.
I take a kiss, then steal back my papers. “Not a list, a wall.” I couldn’t do this in my own dorm; Kate would ask too many questions. “No matter what I do, whenever I jot a name down in here, when I close it, it’s like it goes away from my mind. This way, it will be up and in front of our faces.”
“It’s always in our faces.”
“I know.” I frown. “But there’s something we’re not seeing.”