Page 18 of Fall onto me

Last night at the club, that was when I let loose for the first time in months. It was exhilarating.

But I let my guard down. Instead of being angry that Foster didn’t answer, I should have been concerned. He’s obviously fine since his phone was just dead, but it could have been something more.

I can’t let it happen again.

I need to watch out for those who lurk in the dark.

For the Keeper

My father

For Envy.

A mounting list of enemies, one who is pulling all the strings. They may not even be on my growing list, but I plan to find out who it is.

Since TK still hasn’t contacted us, I’m beginning to wonder if he’s no longer here. Maybe arrested, dead, or just simply moved on.

But today is another day where I pretend just in case he is watching.

A day where I go off to ballet, which has become my sort of meditation, and tonight, Foster will pick me up for another race. Our friends will smile and laugh with us, never knowing the extent of how far we’ve dug ourselves in.

All of this to be together.

The world seemingly against us, trying to rip us apart at every milestone. But I wouldn’t change a fucking thing about him or our lives together. Everything happens for a reason. That’s what Mrs. Rita always tells me, and thinking of her reminds me that I need to pay a visit soon.

How I long to be like other couples I see, celebrating anniversaries and going on cute little dates, but that’s not mine and Foster’s case.

Skyler & Foster.

I scribble on my paper as my professor rattles off equations.

Shadow & Ghost.

I imagine if we could be ghosts in the night, solving all our problems with the cover of flight and invisibility.

But this isn’t a fantasy novel; this is the cruel reality of bad, powerful men puppeteering everyone beneath them. I know Foster likes to be in control, in charge, and this is wearing him thin.

He wants me to feel safe, and I do around him. But I don’t expect him to be the kind of powerful my father is, the kind of evil TK is, or the kind of crazy Envy is.

I don’t want him to be.

People fear Foster because they know he doesn’t back down from a fight, and he won’t stop until he feels like justice has been served against whoever has wronged him.

Or when they see his tattoos and judge him. I wish he would let people see the softer side of him that I get to experience, but at that same point, it makes me feel special that he feels comfortable enough with me to let that wall down.

And where he’s from, where he grew up, you can’t show weakness, or they’ll leech off of it.

He’s been through so much, taking care of his ill sister who thank God is okay now. She’ll forever have testing, and we pray that her new heart stays strong, but as for right now, she’s thriving.

Foster’s an incredible human, and I couldn’t be prouder of him, but I can tell something is wrong. When I look into his midnight eyes, a glimmer of a deeper obsidian is swirling inside of them.

The day rolls by uneventfully, which is amazing. I welcome the distraction my full week will bring; it’s race week in Miami. A new race every night. Along with ballet, school, decorating our dorm.

Now, me and Kate are in her car, heading to ballet, but first … “Latte!” I jut my finger towards the coffee shop, and she nearly rolls us over cutting lanes to get to it.

“I literally fell asleep in Physics.” She yawns. “Coffee is perf.”

* * *