It’s time.
Obviously, I’m no saint, I’m a street racer.
But I am only that, so I can be more.
I don’t commit crimes for fun; I race out of necessity to survive.
But this? This is a whole new genre of fucked up.
I’m hiding in the shadows, alone, watching as about forty bikes sit on the edge of the trailhead. A few still linger behind, and I need them to fuck off now so I can get this bullshit over with. I drove in quietly and with no headlights, knowing some may still be around, and I’m glad I did.
It’s 11:11. A lucky number for others, but for the outsiders who came here from God knows where, it’s a shit time. They didn’t wrong me, but what I assume is the Keeper has his bets placed on others tonight, Miami locals who will be racing. Presumably me, as I’m undefeated. Aside from the time I left a race when I flipped out because Sky was there; all I wanted to do was protect her. But since I didn’t start the race, I didn’t lose it.
Which is why I’m a better asset as a racer and not his fucking intel. I could make him so much more money on the street, and instead of me taking payments, one of his men could collect it. So, what happened last time doesn’t happen again.
I could fucking strangle Envy for what she did.
I blame every ounce of this on her.
Truly, I thought she wouldn’t have the balls to show back up at school, but she did. I didn’t tell Sky, but I saw her.
It was before Skyler came to see me at shop class, when I was walking towards the building. She walked by, flinging her hair when I passed. Not a care in the world, and since her charade was up, she didn’t wear an ounce of green. She was dressed how I imagine a girl from Skyler’s life would be. Posh.
I was so pissed off, so out of my head with fury that when I saw Sky the first thing I wanted to do was load every worry off on her, which is why I dragged her into that car and fucked her brains out.
I shake my head to rid any thoughts but the objective at hand. The ones who were lingering have gone, and the bikes are unattended. Perfect. I pull a mask down over my face and take in a deep breath.
I sink into the shadows, tool kit in hand, and begin my work down the line of bikes. I have to hurry, as I need to be at the race myself. I have an hour and a half before it starts.
I don’t want a single person getting hurt from my actions, so I’m going to fuck these up beyond a simple tire repair. I can barely see what I’m doing as I sink the sharp knife into the rubber and gash them, only on the back tires so the foot peg will allow them to still stand.
One by one, I do this to every bike as quickly as I can in the pitch black.
The moon is covered by thick clouds, not a hint of light until I reach the last bike which is next to a small trailhead lantern.
A ridiculous, gaudy, purple bike.
Maybe I don’t feel so bad now, knowing how Mac was hitting on my girl.
When I stray a little too long wondering if I should take the knife to his paintjob and enjoy the satisfaction as I ruin it, a rush of men pours out from the entrance, and when I catch sight of Mac, I’m thankful I need to escape because I would fuck him up beyond recognition.
“Hey!” one of the guys yells, and they charge like a brigade. I have to create a distraction, so I wrap my fingers around Mac’s bike and push; their bikes tumble like dominos.
I didn’t want to deal damage like that, but I also don’t want to be fucking stampeded by a shit ton of pissed off bikers.
And then I get the absolute fuck out of there.
Luckily, my bike is hidden behind brush, and when I get to the wall of trees I dart left and slide down the embankment.
I’m gone before any of them make it over the hill, leaving a trail of nothing in my wake.
A tinge of guilt eats at me, but I have to follow these orders to survive. What else can I do? Go down to the station and make a report with Barnes? I would love to see the reaction to that from the rest of the department.
‘So, you illegally street race and got tied up with the wrong crowd? Then you committed a crime for him?’
They wouldn’t care.
I’m nothing more to them than a criminal.