Page 24 of In the Dust

“What’s this?” Brad, born and raised in the city, has never seen a bear claw tub.

“It’s a bath,” I reply with a laugh.

He grabs the curtain, sliding it back and forth. “Okay, I get it. It’s a shower too.”

He takes off his shirt, his skin glistening from working all day. Brad may not be cowboy strong, but he does have a defined body, and he held his own today. Abs made from a gym instead of stacking hay. Okay, Dixie, no need to compare.

A moment of worry bubbles up in me for having a boy in my room, especially one who wants me to take a shower with him. But I’m an adult, and Grandpa went to get an X-ray with Colton’s mom to check on the fracture, and Dad’s at work. We’re safe.

I strip off my clothes, stepping under the warm water.

It’s hard to miss Brad’s toned body as it rubs against me when he reaches for the shampoo. We’ve never experienced this sense of calm that country life brings. Normally when we stay the night together, we’re rushing in the morning. This is a nice change of pace for us.

I take my loofah, lathering in the lavender soap.

“Come here, babe.” Brad narrows his eyes, bringing my body closer to his.

His hand slides down my curves, and it feels nice, but I know it’s only a matter of time before he goes too far.

He knows we’re not going to have sex, but he always pushes it. It makes me feel bad that he thinks I’m a virgin, but the truth is I’ve only ever been with Colton. He took my virginity, and things got more complicated after that.

“I’m going to get dressed,” I tell him, ringing my hair out before I step out onto the bathmat.

I wrap the towel around my body as he turns off the shower. Reaching under the sink, I feel a whole lot of nothing. “Oh shit, I don’t have any extra towels up here … I’ll be right back.”

I run down the steps, worried I may be caught, but everyone is gone for the day. In my hurry, I don’t pay attention to where I’m going, and I run smack dab into a hard, tall object.

“Damn, Dix,” Colton drawls. I yelp as I turn around and to my embarrassment, the towel unwraps and drops to the floor.

I use my hands to cover my body, not wanting to fumble to the floor. “Colton!” I squeal, positioning myself behind his jacket on the rack. “Turn around!” I demand.

His arms cross; he’s in no rush. “It’s nothing I haven’t seen before, darlin’.”

He knows. He freaking knows I melt when he calls me that. My cheeks heat. “Colton Wesley Payne,” I scoff.

“Dixie May Norwood.” He grins a stupid, handsome, crooked grin.

Footsteps draw near, “Hey, babe. What’s taking so lo—”

Colton’s already holding the towel in his hand and covering his eyes with his other. Oh, he’s good. “Dix dropped her towel.”

Colton looks like a chivalrous gentleman. I snatch the towel from his grip, wrapping it around myself. To save any fights, I sweeten my voice. “Thanks.” I fake a smile. It’s nothing new, really. We’ve been naked in front of each other a million times … but still, it’s inappropriate now. “All covered.”

Colton opens his eyes, finally realizing why I’m naked and running downstairs.

His face reminds me why Brad is down here. He’s butt naked, dripping on the floor. But Brad, is well … endowed and not embarrassed to show it off.

Colton deflates, turning to exit the house as quickly as he can.

* * *

“Where are we going to eat?”Brad wonders as he buttons up his shirt.

I’m still recovering from the awkward exchange from earlier, but he’s unfazed.

I need to take a page from his book, to not let what Colton stupid Payne does affect me so much. I’ve been gone for years, but God, that doesn't mean he hasn't crossed my mind every day since I’ve been in New York.

But hell, we grew up together, and he’s technically my neighbor, so I think that’s normal.