Page 21 of In the Dust

“I’ve got six,” Brad says excitedly.

Colton lets out a laugh. “I knew you’d be great with the chickens.”

“Is this gonna be an all-day thing?” I inquire.

“You bet,” Colton replies as he leaves the coop, giving me a mischievous smile.

Why am I not surprised?

* * *

As we ridearound the border of the new pasture the cattle are in, the guys start bickering … again. Arguing over who could chop more wood. Let’s be honest, I know Colton would win that.

“Prove it,” Colton proposes to Brad. “After we put the horses to pasture, chop with me. We’ll see who lasts longer and cuts more.”

“Fine.” Brad thinks for a moment. “Loser has to stack the cut wood by himself.”

“Deal.” He smirks.

I let out an annoyed sigh, “If y’all would stop bickering, you’d see that the fence needs mending off to the left there.”

They give each other a weird look and start trotting over to the broken fence. It doesn’t take long since it’s a simple fix. Brad does pretty well with this task. Probably helps that he was a boy scout when he was younger. I just hope he doesn’t reveal that to Colton; it’ll just give him more of a reason to talk shit.

Just as they’re finishing up, Colton’s phone starts ringing. He takes a step back from the fence and reaches into his back pocket. “Whatcha need, boss?” he answers.

Must be Grandpa.

“Yes, sir, we’re just finishing up the fence. We’ll head that way now.” He ends the call.

“Everything okay?” I start to worry.

“Yup, just need to move some equipment.” He slaps Brad’s shoulder, squeezing it firmly. “City Boy here can help me. As long as he knows how to drive a manual.”

“Of course I do. My family owns a few exotic cars.” His tone is unbothered, relaxed.

“Atta boy,” Colton remarks as he mounts his horse. “Let’s go.”

* * *

Once we reachthe tractors that need to be relocated, Colton and Brad dismount their horses and quicken their pace as they walk towards the equipment. Before I can say anything, they both burst into a full-on sprint. “Seriously?!” I yell after them. I guess I’ll lead the horses back myself.

The men start their respective tractors, and Colton pulls out first. Brad is close behind him but can’t seem to move past him. All I can do is shake my head at them. Why are they being so weird today? Although, I will admit it is extremely weird having both my ex and current boyfriend working alongside each other.

I take the horses back to the barn and remove their saddles. After putting everything away, I lead them to the pasture next to the barn and set them free as a warm breeze glides across my face and through my hair.

I settle on gathering a few things from the garden for dinner. Harvesting the garden by myself is so relaxing and tranquil. I can finally breathe and focus.

I don’t dare look at the small building across from it …

The aroma of wet earth fills the air while I pick enough green beans for everyone. As I stand up to walk over to the radishes, I can hear the tractors pulling up. Brad managed to catch up to Colton, causing them to reach the pole barn at the same time.

I finish gathering the vegetables and walk over to them.

Brad saunters out of the barn with a pleased look on his face. “At least he didn’t win.”

“What is your deal?” I question as I purse my lips.

“Nothing, just a little friendly competition.”