“Thanks. I’ll see you later, Ms. Parks.” I wave as I retreat to the door.
“Call me Grace. I’m not your teacher anymore.” She chuckles.
At the end of the day, I quickly rush to the shop class around the back of the school to see Foster.
Loud rock music blares through the speakers when I near the bay doors. Guys are covered in oil and grease while they tinker under the hoods of cars.
I spot Foster’s leather boots as he lays underneath a black charger. He’s on a rolling mat, and I place the point of my heel between his legs and move him a few inches. “What the fuck!” he yells, and I peek down to meet his grease-coated face. “Oh, hey baby!”
A few whistles sound from around the garage when he zips out from under the car and wraps me into a hug, covering my white crop top in a ridiculous amount of grime. “Foster!” I playfully slap him, but my palm lingers on his bare arm. The heat from the Miami summer has made his tan skin glisten with sweat; he makes grease look good.
“This is my way of marking you.” He sends me a crooked grin, planting a kiss on my cheek that I’m sure has left a stain.
But I love it.
“How was your day?” Foster asks, taking a rag to wipe his hands while he leans against the car.
I shrug. “It was good. I’m just excited for my last practice to be over.”
He stands tall, towering over me as usual. “It’ll be fun. Just enjoy the last time you’ll have to do it. And then tomorrow after your game, we’ll celebrate.”
I lower my voice, trying to ignore the eavesdropping mechanics that have quieted down since we began to talk. “What do you have in mind?” I tease.
“Well, I was thinking tonight we could—”
“No can do! She’s busy tonight.” Another pair of heels tap against the concrete, rushing towards Foster to dare him to stop her. Kate puts her elbow on my shoulder. She’s so freaking tall.
“Busy with what?” Foster smirks, crossing his arms. I love the playfulness between him and my best friend when they fight over me. It’s adorable.
Kate looks me up and down, giving my dirty appearance a once-over. “Well, after her much-needed shower, we’re going to binge horror movies and eat our weight in Mongolian beef.” She touches the faded lock of hair. “Red?” she asks, looking confused.
Me and Foster share a look, remembering the fun, passionate night we shared. “It was supposed to be pink.” I giggle.
“I like it.” Kate says with a grin.
“I’m so excited about our sleepover!” I nearly squeal. I need this. But I also know that I’m going to come clean about everything to her. Tonight.
Ryder walks over, and I know Kate saw him when she walked in. She’s being shy around him for some reason, which means she really ...reallylikes him. “Hey, beautiful.” he greets her. I watch as a blush raises over her fair skin, making her red freckles more pronounced.
“Hey, Ryder.” The two of them look at each other for a beat, and seeing that look in her eyes makes me smile. She gets on her tiptoes to kiss him, which should tell you something about the crew; they’re all freakishly tall. Whenever I’m near them, I feel protected.
“Y’all coming over tonight?” Ryder’s southern draw mimics his calm demeanor.
“Girls sleepover,” Foster answers for us, and I hear Kate make a small sound at his response.
“Call you later?” I suggest, looking up into his deep, dark eyes.
Foster grips my chin with his fingers and pulls me in for a long, passionate kiss before Kate pulls me away. “You two ladies have fun.” he tells us, his eyes following my every move.
When we walk away, Kate and I can hear the chatter of grown men teasing both Ryder and Foster, and it makes us giggle.
“Do you have to go to practice? I mean, tomorrow is your last game, and you already know the routine.”
I contemplate this for a moment. “I don’t want to, but I need to, right?”
She shakes her head. “It’s up to you. What did your coach say?”