She smiles and returns to grading her papers while we head down the hall.
“How’d that go?” he asks, slinking his arm around me.
I ponder it for a moment. “Good, I guess ... I’m just nervous about the change. Accounting is all I’ve ever thought I would do. It’s what’s been drilled into me.”
As he looks up to the ceiling, his jawline tightens. “I really hope I didn’t make you feel like you had to change your major.”
“Not at all! I truly never thought of it.” My whole life has been thoroughly planned out for me. Go to college, marry their choice of spouse, die unhappy but rich with money.
“Promise?” Foster prods, a scrunched look of worry making his hard edges look adorable.
“Pinky promise.” I reply with a small smile.
He bites his lip. “What about Cheer?”
“No, Cheer is worse than Accounting. You know I don’t like cheering.” I’m so happy that Friday will be my last day. I’m just worried that the coach will rip me apart when I quit on such short notice.
“Friday will be my last day.” I wring my hands nervously, standing before the coach.
“Okay?” I ask, dumbfounded by how hard I thought this was going to be.
“Yeah, just make sure you’re at Saturday’s game so I can prepare a new lineup for next week.”
I’ve never felt so ... disposable.
I love it.
But I can’t help the pang of sadness that rises in mewhen I walk away from the girls. I didn’t connect with any of them, and that’s probably my own fault, but cheering from elementary to high school has been such an integral part of who I am.
The comradery of it, the late nights practicing cheers with your friends, the lights.
Not the forced smiles, the lack of depth in the art of dance, the routine.
I find myself walking to the mechanical department to find Foster leaned under a hood, his white shirt embellished with fingertips of black from where he’s been wiping his hands on it.
He sees me and immediately brings me in for a kiss, careful to not smudge oil all over me. Foster grabs a red rag and wipes his hands off. “Want to stay with me tonight?” he asks, his puppy dog eyes beaming down at me.
“I need to talk to Kate about everything.”
The obsidian in his eyes hold a twinkle. “I know, but I need you tonight. There’s a big race coming this weekend.”
I raise a brow. “Oh?”
“It’s worth a lot, and I need you to keep me level.”
“Is it on Saturday? That’s my last game.” I respond, feeling a little nostalgic about my career of cheerleading but looking forward to finding a hobby or sport that I’m happy with.
He brings me in for another kiss. “I wouldn’t miss your ridiculous football game for anything. The race is on Sunday, anyway.”
“Can we swing by the dorm so I can grab some clothes?”
The dorm room is empty when I enter. Kate had mentioned during gym that she and Ryder were going to dinner, so I guess staying here would have been pointless.