Page 69 of Race to Me

Foster nods, taking it in and standing up. “We’ll figure something out,” he promises with furrowed brows.

I place my hand on his shoulder, saying, “It’s not your problem to worry about. Please don’t let this drive you crazy.”

The moment we turn to walk back to the street, he yells out, “You’re rich!”

An odd expression lays on my face. “Not anymore.”

“No, I mean ... your parents probably paid for the entirety of your schooling.”

“Oh, that’s a good point.” I reply quietly, running my fingers through my salt drenched hair. I desperately need to deep condition.

Foster tilts his head, fixing his guitar strap. “And why don’t you look happy?” he asks, grabbing my hand as we walk towards the little jungle between the slice of paradise that we’re in and the street.

“I am,” I say, letting out a dark chuckle. “But I’m locked in on three more years of Accounting. But it’s better than nothing.” I grin, thankful I have a plan, even if it is the one my parents made for me. It’s four years of college, and that’s better than nothing.

Hand in hand, we pass by our tree, and Foster frowns. The tree that took his parents’ lives. Every layer that he gives me makes me understand him more.

I squeeze his hand as he walks me to Kate’s mom’s car.


“I’m so sorry I took the car all night!” I tell Kate while she rustles in her sheets.

She turns, gripping her phone and being blinded by the bright light of the screen. “It’s six-thirty in the morning, you psycho bitch. Go to sleep.” She croaks, still not fully awake.

I jump into her bed, and my stiff hair doesn’t bounce. Instead, it lets off a dusting of sand onto her.

“Sky!” she shouts, laughing when I shake my head. “Did you stay at the beach last night?” Kate curiously gives me a look-over after rubbing her eyes and dusting herself off.

I bite my lip, nodding. “Maybe.”

“And did you happen to stay with a certain tattooed, muscular guy who’s obsessed with cars and bikes?” she asks, grinning.

“I did,” I reply.

“And did you ... possibly ... get laid?”

I roll my eyes. “I may have.” I say with a smile.

“Yes!” Kate cheers, pushing me off of her bed and onto the floor. “Go take a shower. You didn’t have to bring the beach home.”

I look at my new home on the right side of her dorm room. The dark side of the space, with the scattered remains of Envy left behind. “You don’t mind if I stay?”

She nods, getting up from the bed to shake off the sheets. “No, as long as you tell me why you need to stay here.”

I get up from the floor and tiptoe back to the door, “Soon. I promise.”


Freshly showered and in a comfy sweater and shorts, I head to Biology. Foster sits at our table looking hauntingly handsome, with a soft black t-shirt that looks so good against his honey skin.

I sink into my seat, and he slides a cup to me. I bring the warm liquid to my lips and sip the delicious latte. “Thank you.” I grin.

Professor Dyer walks in and immediately starts handing out presentation grades. My hand flies up to my forehead. From the events of the past week and my ignoring school, I completely forgot about our presentation. There go my perfect grades, but I don’t have to have perfect grades, right?

But I like to.

He makes his way to us, and I’m about to shoot out a plethora of excuses, but I stop when he sets a paper down in front of us that has a big red ‘A’ scribbled on it. “Good job, you two.” Mr. Dyer looks at me with a remorseful frown. “I’m so sorry to hear about your father, Skyler.”