“The kind you won’t be able to handle. Listen, I’m going to pretend like I didn’t just hear someone helping you get dressed. Let me come see you.”
“I’m busy, and you’ll ruin all the fun.” Everything is a little blurry, and the warm Florida breeze is not helping the mix of cheap beer and even cheaper shots that are fighting in my stomach.
“Sky,” Foster breathes, taking a moment. “My question wasn’t optional. Where are you? I need to make sure you’re safe.”
“Oh, don’t try being all protective of me. Everything’s perfect. I’m perfect. My life is perfect. Remember?” I hang up, not giving him a chance to respond.
I return to Kate’s side, dancing and funneling drinks into my system as the night carries on.
Our heels are off, and we’re dancing on a table when I decide the sweet shots aren’t doing it for me anymore. “I want another keg stand!” I shout, stumbling to the edge of the table where Brett’s been standing, waiting with a nervous grin for one of us to fall off.
When I collapse into his arms, he brushes the rogue hairs from my forehead. “You sure, birthday girl? You seem like you’ve had enough for one night.”
I give a drunken nod. “Positiveee!” I sing. My fingers gesture to the only thing I want right now.
The blood rushes to my head as a few guys from the football team, including Brett, hold me upside down to do the keg stand once more. The beer from the metal cylinder is a lot colder than the ones in the cups, and I gulp it down. I’m not even finished when I’m slung over Brett’s shoulder and moved quickly.
“I could go longer!” I shout, and the guys behind me cheer.
“That’s enough for tonight, Freckles.”
My stomach drops at the sound of the nickname, and the further I’m taken away from the keg, the more I realize who is carrying me. It’s not Brett.
Foster sets me down near the steps, the ones littered with plastic cups and people making out. I look at him nervously, remembering that I spoke to him earlier but not what I said.
My back hits the wooden banister as Foster leans down and waits for me to talk. “How did you find me?” I ask, trying to keep my words from slurring.
He tilts his head to get a better look at me. “I will always find you, Sky.”
My eyes pan down his long body, taking in his leather jacket and riding boots. Dark jeans and a black t-shirt. “You raced.”
“Had to,” Foster looks over me too, his jawline sharp. His eyes connect with the banister Kate made. “It’s your birthday?” When I nod, he frowns. “I’m sorry.” he tells me, capturing my hand in his.
“Don’t be,” I look away, “Just go.”Please don’t.
He runs a hand through his dark hair. “You sure you want me to?”
I shake my head no, and I don’t let myself tell him otherwise. He looks familiar, like me, tonight. Is he sad? “Are you okay?”
“I am now.” I don’t find his usual sarcastic tone; it’s more of a statement. Like a breath of relief. “I was worried about you.”
“I’m okay,” I stammer, and he catches me when I sway.
“Two options, Skyler. It’s two in the morning and you’re shitfaced. Either we go now, or I’ll throw you over my shoulder.”
I roll my eyes, poking his chest. “Whatever, Ghost. Always with the ‘I’ll throw you over my shoulder’ thing.”
He grunts, capturing my hand in his. He leads me back to Kate and Brett and tells them something. Everything is moving quickly but slow at the same time. I hear a little of their conversation.
Kate frowns. “She can stay here.”
Foster shakes his head. “It’s too loud. She won’t be able to sleep.”
A little time passes as I focus on not falling over, and before I know it, we’re outside. I laugh when I see Foster’s bike in front of the steps. “I’m going to fall off.” I joke.
“Yeah, that’s definitely not happening. We’re taking your car.” He dangles my keys in front of me. “Shouldn’t leave them in the ignition.”