Page 8 of Guarded By Death

Shit. "Yes! Of course, I'm sorry. We're closed but I can grab you whatever. What would you like?" I rake my fingers through my hair trying to fix it as he looks at the broad selection of ice cream with a thoughtful expression. I must look like a complete mess.

"Surprise me," he smiles. “Make two of them, please."

Ah, there it is. I was foolish to think he would come here to see me. How would he even know where I work? Embarrassment makes my cheeks flush and I frown a little, but why? Why should I care that he's here with someone? I barely know him, it's probably because of what he did for me last night.

He’s probably having a romantic boardwalk date, walking along the weathered wood with a girl on his arm as they enjoy their ice cream. I can’t help the jealousy that creeps into me, which makes no logical sense. I realize I'm staring off into oblivion and I quickly set my cleaning rag down.

I lift the closed glass back up and grab two waffle cones. "Does she like chocolate?" I say with a little attitude in my voice as I grab the scoop with a little more power than necessary. Not sure why I care.

He grips his chin in thought. "Well I'm not sure, does she?" He asks, a smirk creeping up his perfect face as he walks over to the door and flips the closed sign facing outward. He turns around and makes his way over to me. Towering over the counter like a giant.

"You want to get ice cream for me?" I blush.

With a nod, he trails the tip of his finger along the countertop. "We need something to snack on when we walk the pier," he laughs. I'm assuming he knew I was a little jealous.

My heart threatens to beat out of my chest. "Did you just happen to show up here, while I was working?" I give him a suspicious look as I scoop out some chocolate chunk from the cold metal pan.

"Well, last night you were freaking out a bit because you had to start your first day at 'Pop's Candy Shop.' You were a bit out of it," he sighs a little.

I stumble, almost dropping the scoop. "Thank you so much for last night, Pierce. I don't remember much about the car ride. I'm not even sure how we made it in the house." I admit, shaking my head.

He seems hesitant to speak, opening his mouth and closing it again. "When you got in your car your friend immediately fell asleep and you were in and out, mumbling things every now and then. As for getting into the house, I carried you both inside, I hope that's okay?" He looks a little bashful which is a funny contrast to his edgy appearance.

I tilt my head. "How did you know where I lived if I was out?" I ask.

"You mentioned something about Liv's parents being out of town. I got a little nervous about you both being alone, so I asked for your address. I figured at least with your parents' house you would be okay until morning," he says.

"It's just me and my mom but you're lucky she wasn't home; she would have killed me, and you, and Liv." I laugh, throwing my head back dramatically, still reeling about how lucky we got.

He shrugs. "I knew no one was home, there was no car in the driveway, and she wouldn't bother you if she did come home later since you would both be asleep," he says sheepishly. Then, I realized he must have been the one who left us water and medicine. That should bother me, right? That a stranger came into my home, but he was so sweet and took care of us, but there was still ice in it, or maybe there wasn't? My mind is playing tricks on me lately, so I keep my thoughts to myself.

I send him a smile. "Thank you, you didn't have to do all that for us. I hope it was no trouble to go back to your car after dropping mine off,” I say, trying to sound appreciative.

"It's no problem. I took a taxi to the club anyway. Are you ready to go? The good rides will be swamped in a bit," he gestures towards the door with a smile.

I can’t get rid of the stupid grin on my face. "Yes! Just let me change really quick." I hand the ice cream to him and head to the backroom. I’m thankful I have an extra dress in my bag that was supposed to be used when we were at Liv’s, so I can get out of this hideous outfit.

I smooth out my yellow dress and spray a bit of my perfume in the air, walking through it to make sure it lays on my skin and hair so I smell nice. My white Toms don't exactly match with my dress but it's kind of cute.

I open the doors to walk back in, and Pierce’s striking gaze rakes over my body. "Wow, yellow is your color," he smirks. My cheeks burn a little; I think he likes to make me nervous.

I anxiously reach for my ice cream and before I get to it, Pierce quickly grabs my arm. His eyes transition from gazing at me, to glaring angrily at the bruise. "Did I do that last night?" he trails off. I wish I had a cover for my dress, I forgot about the handprint.

I shake my head, taking in the worry lines that crease his forehead. "No, no. It was Logan. You never grabbed my arm." I assure him, blushing from the memory of his hands interlaced with mine.

His stance is rigid, not saying much as we walk outside. As I turn back to the door and put the key through the slot I hear my name being shouted behind us. I look towards the noise and see a group of friends from school. Zack is heading our way. Damnit. I completely forgot I told him to meet me here after work.

As he walks in front of us, I give him a bright smile. "Hey, Zack!" I grin.

He glances over at Pierce with an odd expression. "Hey, Scarlett, you ready?" He asks, his eyes roaming between Pierce and I.

"Hey man, I'm Pierce," he introduces himself, reaching out his hand.

"Nice to meet you." Zack returns his handshake, then he turns his attention to me. “What do you want for dinner? I'm starving," he grabs his stomach dramatically.

I jump a little as I feel Pierce's arm wrap around my waist, he pulls me close to him. "Actually, me and Scar here are going on a date." I smile when I hear him call me Scar. A date? My heart races a little faster.

Zack looks tense but to be fair I didn't know I was going on any date tonight, but I'll explain that to him later. I'm not complaining though. "I'll text you later Zack, is that cool?" I ask with a nervous smile.