Page 5 of Guarded By Death

In a blur, Logan violently crashes into the back door that I was about to bolt for. It blows open from the force of his tumbling body.

I tell my feet to head towards the distant music, but they won't move. The room is spinning, or am I?

Logan lifts his head and blood cascades from a cut above his eyebrow. He looks straight into my eyes, a sinister smile creeps up on his terrifying face, and I cringe.

Furiously, the mysterious stranger takes two long strides and picks him up by his collar, pinning him to the metal door frame.

"You can't have her," he seethes.

Logan trains his obsidian eyes on me, but the other man isn't having it. He catches Logan’s jaw in his hand, turning him away from me. "Don't look at her," he orders.

The brave stranger releases his grip on my attacker’s chin. Logan looks down and shakes his head vigorously, similar to a convulsion. When his gaze pans back up, the demonic black is gone and replaced with a calm, ocean blue.

"Where am I?" Logan whimpers. The stranger pins him harder. "Woah, look I don't know what's happening. I was just dancing with her." He gestures my way, his brows furrowed. "The next thing I know I'm being thrown into a door. What's your problem dude?" He releases his hold on the now frightened Logan.

The strange hero turns away from him with a loud sigh and walks towards me. I’m speechless, he’s so intimidating. His massive figure is moving towards me, but he has the most sympathetic look swirling in his eyes.

His gaze roams over my body, checking to see if I’ve been hurt. “Are you okay?” he asks.

"I guess?" I stated that as a question, unable to put a full sentence together. I'm so dizzy I can barely stand straight. I stumble a bit before he holds me steady with strong, secure arms.

The only thing I can think of comes from my lips, "What's your name?" I wonder, having a need to know who saved me.

He bends down so I can hear him over the faded music. "Pierce." He tells me, his voice soft like velvet. When he pulls back, his smoldering gaze is locked on mine, making it hard for me to speak.

"I'm Scarlett," I stammer, beginning to spin again. "Where’s Liv?" I ask in my delirious daze.

"The blonde you were with?" He asks, holding my arm steady.

How does he know who I’m with?"I don't feel okay; I need to find her." My voice is quiet as he grabs my hand, it's nice. Not like the way Logan had pulled me through the hallway against my will, this is a gentle touch. Although I don’t know him, I feel safe. He saved me from whatever just happened. I still can’t wrap my head around the evil eyes Logan had.

We make it back to the music and I scan the crowd with dizzy eyes. "There she is!" I shout, pointing towards the bobbing blonde in the mash of moving bodies.

"I'm going to get her and get you two out of here," he says in my ear. "Do not let go of my hand, do you hear me?" His kind eyes even out his authoritative tone.

Once we reach Liv, he nudges her arm "Hey, Liv, right?" He scans behind her as he speaks.

"Hey there, who are you?" she slurs, leaning against Carter sluggishly.

He shows her my hand in his and in a serious tone he speaks. "Neither of you are safe, let's go." She glares at me and I'm sure my face is pale from the way I feel. Instantly, she looks worried; she sees that I'm shaking. I’m worried about her though; she doesn't look too good.

"Scar, do you need help?" she leans towards me now, tripping a little as she eyes Pierce. I try to talk over the thrumming music. Pierce keeps a firm grip on my hand.

"This is Pierce, he helped me. I can't explain right now. We need to get outside." Through all of my dizziness, I know I need to get as far away from Logan as I can, which means Liv needs to get away from his friend.

She pushes her body off of Carter and he tries to pull her back to him, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Where are you goin’, sweetheart? We just started havin’ fun." Carter says.

Pierce's violent glare is set on Carter, who instantly let's go of Liv's arm when he realizes. She waddles over to me and we lean on each other to not fall. Her arm is through mine and on my other side I am still holding Pierce's hand. Afraid that if I let go the weight of the world will make me come crashing down.

Pierce pushes the large metal doors open and I step out, feeling a massive sense of relief. I'm still dizzy, and I can't see clearly, but I feel a little better. I drop his hand and run my fingers through my hair.

Glancing over at him, I study his worried features. "Thank you.” I say, unable to hide the tremble in my tone.

"It's no problem, I could tell the guy was a creep," he shrugs his shoulders, but I don’t miss the way he’s looking at me.

"What happened? Did Logan do something to you?" Liv demands.

I shake my head, trying to piece together what just happened. "I don't know Liv; he was trying to bring me outside because I started to feel weird. But he was leading me to the back door. When I tried to leave, he looked at me and his eyes, they turned-"