I’m heading to grab ice cream. I thought that I stocked everything, how could I forget your favorite! I’ll be back home soon.
Yours forever,
Normally I would be scared to stay alone but with everything behind us, I’m happy to have a moment to reflect on my life and enjoy the scenery. Through all of the awful things that have happened, so much good has come out of it. Mom and Brian being together, finding a true friend in Kayla, then Zack meeting Kayla and the three of us talking in group chats daily... and most importantly, falling in love with Pierce. This is exactly what I needed, a quiet getaway with the man I love.
I head towards the fridge and open it to find an array of treats. I reach for the orange juice and a colorful tray of fresh fruit. I bring my breakfast outside and sit at the same circular glass table that me and Pierce have enjoyed dinner at every night since we got here. I watch as the water gently rolls underneath the dock.
I look out to my left to see a tall man walking towards me with a smile coming out of the cabana next door. I go stiff and immediately laugh at myself for the unnecessary fear. He waves a hand at me and I return the gesture.
"Hello! I'm so sorry to bother you." His voice is kind. "My wife and I got in yesterday and she forgot to pack... feminine products." His cheeks redden and I stifle a laugh. I can tell how uncomfortable he is as he balances on his heels waiting for a response.
I've been in that situation before. "Hey! It's no problem, I'll be right back." I stand from my chair.
"Thank you so much, miss. I’m so embarrassed to ask this of you. She’s in the bathroom and she wouldn't let me run to the store." His blush deepens and I want to put him out of his misery, how thoughtful of him to do this for her.
I head inside the open door and retreat to the bathroom to grab my bag, I pull a few tampons out and shove them into my pocket. I hear footsteps coming from behind me, thankful Pierce is back so we can spend the day together.
A loud voice echoes through the small bathroom. "Wow, your light is so bright, I missed it."
I stumble but quickly gain my footing and slowly, I turn around. I'm met with the man from outside, but his eyes that were as blue as the ocean have transformed into a familiar obsidian as he glares at me. I cringe away when he reaches his hand towards me, a sinister smile spreads on his lips.
"Run," he sings in a haunting tone. I don't think twice before I rush past him in a hurry. I try not to trip over the rug as I jump through the French doors that go out to the deck. My two options flash through my mind. To my left is the long dock, everything else is open ocean.
My heart races with the impossible decision. I tremble in fear realizing my chances are slim to none. The man lunges out of the doors at me and I tiptoe dangerously close to the edge of the dock. I jumped off of it yesterday and it's not a far drop, but who am I to say he won't pull me under and drown both of us in his fury?
Pierce appears beside us; his eyes frantic with worry as he reaches his hand to me, but Preta’s quicker. He grabs me by the neck, pulling my body into the air. My feet dangle off the ground as I choke. The scenery around us changes instantly.
Through a cloud of thick dust, my eyes pan around the new space, taking in my surroundings as he throws me on the ground. I slam against the concrete with a painful thud. The hard floor is dirty with what looks like years' worth of dust settling from the disturbance of us being here. Cracked marble pillars rise to an impressive marble carved ceiling. I squint through the darkness to see how massive this room is.
I can't see the demon, but I hear him. How did he bring us somewhere else like Pierce? How does he know how to do that?
"How did you bring us here?" I demand to know.
"Simple, I just had to leave the human body." His voice is different, it's more of an echo laced with venom as he makes his way in front of me. A small shimmer of light makes me gasp in horror as I take in his true appearance.
He towers over my shaking body, his obsidian eyes graze over me and his razor-sharp teeth smile down. A deep laugh echoes through the vast room like a wave as he speaks in tongues. This is his true form; I recognize it from the books Pierce was studying.
He continues to chant in tongues in a low voice. "I don't know wh- what you're saying." I whimper, my confidence gone as he strides to my cowering body.
His slimy lips turn to a frown. "I'm sorry I've been gone so long, I did miss you. I tried to keep you calm so he wouldn't recognize your fear." He sneers, "It's tricky you know. I've never had an Angel of Death attached to anyone I've almost taken a soul from. I usually finish my business before he even knows what happened. But with you, it made it so much more fun that he wanted to protect you." His laugh is a mixture of high and low pitches at the same time and it makes me tremble at his feet.
"He… he will protect me! He’ll find me any moment now." I stutter.
He scowls as swirling black smoke pours from his eyes and ears enveloping his entire body, when the thick fog lightens, I cringe in horror. He brings his hand to my chin making me look into his eyes. "I'm counting on it!" he screams. Broken glass shatters to my right from the pitch of his unearthly tone.
"He can't protect you, dear. Well, he can try but I’m stronger here." His maniacal laugh bellows through the room. "See this place was built long ago, eons before Pierce even became the reaper. It’s where demonic souls like me can walk around in our true form."
Dust swirls to my left, my heart sinks when I see Pierce materialize. "It's a trap!" I yell, but he ignores my warnings, his eyes trained on Preta.
Pierce is so close to me, but not close enough. Preta's slimy hands wrap through my hair, causing me to gag. "No, no. Take one more step and I snap her neck,” he threatens, and Pierce stops in his tracks. His eyes glance around the dark room, looking for something.
Preta looks into my eyes and I feel myself waning. With all my might I take one last look at Pierce; his expression is pure torture. His longing gaze meets mine and I can tell he's thinking of a million possible scenarios in his brilliant mind, but I don't see any way of this going differently. ‘It's okay, I love you.’ I mouth at him and his hard edges soften momentarily.
"Take mine!" Pierce shouts into the empty room, his voice bouncing off the ancient marble walls. Preta's obsidian eyes flicker towards him, a sinister smile rising on his face at the offer. He drops me on the hard marble flooring, and I lift myself up on my elbows to see him heading with purpose towards Pierce.
"Take what?" I scream at Pierce. He looks at me once and turns his head towards the demon. "My soul, take it, and leave hers alone," he states and my stomach drops. I know he has one, but he said it's dark. What would Preta want with it?