A shiver courses through me, "Why are you bringing me here? What if something tries to possess us?"
He grabs my waist. "It may not seem like it because of what's happening with Preta but demons don't normally mess with me. That's why I need to find info on him... but I need you with me, I can't leave you alone and focus on this at the same time."
I raise my brow at him. "Are you sure they won't mess with you?"
"Have you ever noticed how when I walk in a room it gets quiet, or when we walk past animals on the street they cower or whine?” I recall the dog in Brazil as he continues, “Yes, your mom likes me and I haven't figured out why." He laughs. "But for the most part humanity is afraid of me. So are demons."
"Oh." I take a deep breath, thinking of the poor priest. "I thought you said only bad people get possessed?"
He shrugs his shoulder, "That's a gray area. Children, for example, are more vulnerable. The priests, in this instance, were welcoming the spirit into the room with them. When you call upon them, it's a different ballgame."
Got it. No calling on demons.
He rubs his chin in thought. "Every other time I've found a demon sucking someone's soul I would stop them and they would normally just walk away, move on to someone else. There's more to Preta's game."
With my hand in his we head into the broken building. Darkness overtakes me as the heavy door creaks to a close behind us, stealing the sunlight. "I can't see," I squeal, gripping his hand tighter.
"I can," he jokes. "You're brightening this whole room for me." I feel him gesture around as he pulls my hand up for the movement, but I can't see anything. I stomp my foot on the ground, feeling thick dust and pebbles beneath my shoes.
"Seriously Pierce, I'm scared!" He places something in my hand.
"Flashlight," he tells me, and I flip the switch. The warm light comes into focus and I gasp at the sight of the room. A massive stone arch sits in front of us, a tall cross is nailed to the wall but from years of neglect, it's tilted into an ominous angle and covered with dust and cobwebs. The sight gives me chills.
We walk carefully over the cracked stone and through the congregation room. Wooden pews line the space but they're splintered and cracked from years of abandon.
Down a set of rocky stairs, we guide ourselves through the labyrinth of hallways and rooms, one, in particular, catches my eye.
A pentagram is painted on the stone floor, chains and manacles adorn the walls. I close my eyes to rid myself of the visual, the world was a different place then.
Finally, we reach what we’re looking for. Pierce never lets go of my hand as he pulls dust-covered books from ancient shelves, opening them against his chest to peek at the information. Squinting his eyes, he pulls my body closer to get a better view at the words. I keep quiet as he studies them, he hands me a smaller one as he clasps his free hand around the larger one. We ascend the staircase.
Near the exit, turning at a sharp corner, Pierce's hand stiffens closed around mine. His eyes widen before he swiftly pulls us into a dark room.
"What is it?" I ask him with a quiet voice, but he shakes his head. Grabbing the flashlight from me and turning it off. He pulls me close against him, "Don't say a word." He whispers. My breathing becomes heavy and he clamps his hand over my mouth. He places a soft kiss on my temple and I try to relax while clutching the old book in my hands.
"We’re safe now," he tells me, the familiar hum of the ocean whirls around us.
I let out a large breath of relief as he guides me to sit down. He pries the book from my hands and places it on his lap, under the large one. We stare at them for a brief moment, wondering what secrets they hide behind their tattered spines.
A dead one
We sit in silence, perched on the familiar rocks that sit above the ocean. Where he first told me who and what he was. "What happened back there?" I ask, wondering what he saw.
He shrugs. "Nothing," he lies.
A nervous sound escapes my lips and he elaborates. "I saw darkness, it was creeping on the floor. Someone was there, I don't know who. Hiding you in a dark closet doesn’t protect you from monsters, you shine too much,” he sighs. I tremble and he places a hand on my leg, rubbing his thumb in circular motions to soothe me.
"I'm becoming paranoid. I don't know what to do to keep you safe." He groans, throwing his face into his large hands. He shakes his head as if trying to rid his moment of weakness. His expression grave.
His fingertip slides across the book cover, about to open it. I place my hand over his, noting the deep-set lines of worry on his face. I long to feel a moment that isn't urgent with him. "I know you want all the answers, but can we just have a moment together, a normal moment?"
His lips, which are pressed into a concentrated line, curve into a small half-smile as he tilts his head to look at me. "What's up?" he asks, setting down the large book on his lap. Not letting it out of his reach.
"I know you said I light things up," I say quietly, wanting to ask another question besides what he saw in the cathedral.
A thoughtful smile plays on his lips, "Yes, you emit a very bright white light around you at all times." He chuckles. "It's really hard to sleep next to you. It's like headlights blaring on a dark road." I playfully swat him realizing that's why he sleeps with his head squished into a pillow.