Last time she left, I gave her space to figure out what we had and how she felt.
But no more.
Chapter Thirty-Five
I knew I’d made a big mistake before I could even open my eyes. My head throbbed like I’d been smacked with a bat, and I could feel the nausea rolling in my belly.
I’d agreed to go out with some of the girls I worked with, but I didn’t know they planned to hit up a bar, and then a club. I’d had a few men come up to me, despite the ring I had moved to my left hand, but I tried to reject them and ended up drinking more every time I sent one away. Before I knew it, I was in a bad spot, tipsy to the point where more alcohol seemed like the best idea. I’d reluctantly agreed to a dance with the last man who came up to me, but I wasn’t counting on Steele being there to witness it.
And to punch the guy.
Of course he was still tracking me. I’d forgotten about the tracker in my ankle. Having it removed should have been the first thing on my mind when I returned to Derbyshire. I knew it was a huge violation of my privacy, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. It wasn’t like our relationship started off as conventional.
Once again, I was in his bed.
I could feel Steele’s arm around my torso, feel his chest rise and fall next to me. From the rhythmic tempo of his breathing, I gathered that he was sleeping, but when I gingerly rolled over to face him, his glacial blue eyes met mine.
I wanted to say so many things. That I was sorry for putting myself into a dangerous situation. That I was sorry for allowing him to be taken by my father. For leaving him.
But instead, he spoke first.
“How do you feel?”
I grimaced.
“That good, huh?” His hand gently caressed my shoulder, and I leaned slightly into his touch. I suddenly noticed that I was wearing his shirt and my dress was nowhere to be found.
“Did you undress me?”
His lips curved into a sly grin. “I did. And I enjoyed every second of it.”
I shoved him playfully, but then regretted it immediately as the nausea tried to overcome me. Instantly, his eyebrows furrowed in concern.
“What can I get you?”
“A new head. Perhaps a new body.”
He pulled my leg over his hip and tugged me closer to him. “I like this one here.”
I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation of being held. I’d missed his affection; I missed his presence in my life. I’d missed him.
“What exactly happened last night?” I asked.
“You drank too much.” His eyes narrowed in disappointment.
I snorted. “Like you can talk.”
His face flushed red, almost as if he was embarrassed. It wasn’t an expression I had ever seen on his face before.
“What?” My curiosity was definitely peaked.
“I haven’t exactly been handling things well either.” He didn’t elaborate, his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened. I didn’t press him, not wanting to discuss my transgressions either. The truth was, I hadn’t been dealing well with our separation. Last night was the first time I actively went out and abandoned my hermit lifestyle. Normally I just worked my shifts and went home, sometimes going to the market. Occasionally I’d go to the nearest park, bringing with me the camera that Steele gifted me. It was a beautiful piece of equipment, and I enjoyed developing the photos I took in the dark room I’d created. On the weekends, I’d attend a virtual photography course given by alocal university. It wasn’t necessarily a sad life, but I was lonely.
I had a few casual friends I made at the coffee shop where I worked, but that was it.
Steele was really the best friend I had.