Thank god.
“Cooper, this is Ashlynn Phillips. Do you know who I am?”
“Of course I do—where is Steele? I’m going to have this call traced and come find you—”
“Steele’s with me. We’re en route to the airport in New York. I’m bringing him to France.”
There was silence on the line. Then a deep chuckle.
“I don’t believe it. He said you loved him, but I told him there was no way—”
I didn’t bother to correct him. He could think I was acting out of love if he wanted, but I was sure it was guilt. “I need you to have his medical team meet me at the airport with an ambulance. I don’t have connections here in the states for medical care without tipping off my father. I can’t just bring him to an ER here and…he needs medical attention.”
“I’ll take care of it—what are we talking about here?”
I glanced at Steele, who had passed out again.
“I think he has a concussion, probably several broken ribs. Internal bleeding. He's malnourished, and he’ll need—significant stitches. Maybe even a skin graft.” I bit my lip, trying not to cry as I described the enormity of his injuries.
“Fuck. Your father’s a prick.”
“I don’t disagree with you. Can you get it done?”
“Yes, I’ll have everything at the airport when you land. I’ll have Glinda set up the house for him. Are you staying as well?”
I looked at Steele, thinking about how terrified I was when I walked into the room in the warehouse.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”
The flight was uneventful. Luckily Tiffany, the cabin attendant, didn’t ask me any questions about why my father hadn’t joined us. She had given me an odd look as I dragged Steele onto the plane, but I hid his injuries the best I could and told her he was a friend who was hungover. She just took the money I gave her and turned her head the other way. She was young and would find another job easily. Same with the pilots.
My stomach rumbled nervously, but thankfully my father’s tracker was jumping from high-rise to high-rise for meetings. I hoped it would be a few hours before he realized that I’d stolen his jet.
Steele slept most of the flight, but I did get him to drink some water here and there. He was taking a turn for the worse though, and I had so much nervous energy in me that I couldn’t help but start pacing as we got closer to France.
“Miss Phillips, you need to take your seat,” Tiffany said, as the plane started the descent.
I nodded and sat next to Steele on the sofa. He was passed out again, but I grabbed his hand and laced our fingers together, preparing for the landing.
As soon as we got close enough to the ground, I could see an ambulance waiting for us on the tarmac. True to his word, Cooper provided for Steele. As soon as we touched down and the aircraft door opened, a team of doctors came onboard and eased Steele onto a gurney and swiftly loaded him in the back of the ambulance.
A younger man, probably in his late twenties, was overseeing the team of doctors, shouting directions and observing Steele’s care.
I rushed over, prepared to climb in the back of the ambulance. The man stuck his hand out, preventing me from jumping in.
“You aren’t coming with, Ashlynn. I’m his family—well, the closest thing he’s got. I’ll take care of him.”
I glared. “Cooper, right? Tough shit. Try and stop me and see what happens.”
He grinned, and then moved his hand back. “Fair enough.” He joined me in the back of the ambulance, while the medics worked on stabilizing Steele.
Cooper took in the extent of the damage. “Shit. Your father really hates him.”
I sighed, knowing part of it was my fault. “He knows I slept with Steele, and knows it was of my own free will. I think that pissed him off more than if I was forced.”
Cooper rubbed his chin. “Damn, that’s harsh.”
I nodded, watching as the medical team set up an IV and began giving Steele fluids and what I suspected were antibiotics. I couldn't understand most of what they were saying, but it seemed to me like they were debating between sending Steele to a hospital versus treating him at home.