“I don’t mind. I love to listen to you talk.”

“That’s funny, because I’m pretty sure you threatened to gag me at one point.”

“Would you like to be bound and restrained again?” I asked darkly.

Fear crossed her face, then the blood rushed to her rosy cheeks as she realized my meaning.

“Once was enough,” she snorted, but I knew her mind went to the same filthy place mine did.

I had our leftovers boxed up and then we walked back to the car. Feeling bold, I reached out and grabbed her hand, linking our fingers. She froze, but then accepted the gesture. Her tiny fingers felt warm against mine in the cold weather, and I imagined us in front of the fireplace in the library, warming our bodies beside a roaring fire, and then sleeping together. I decided to cut the day of exploring short right then and there, with the goal of getting Ashlynn underneath me as soon as possible.

Chapter Twenty-Seven


Steele seemed lost in his thoughts on the way back to the estate, but every once in a while he’d look at me, and I felt practically naked under his scorching gaze. I knew what he had in mind, and, despite myself, I wanted it too. The connection between us had started to go deeper than I wanted, and I silently pleaded that my father would rescue me soon. The more time I spent around Steele, the harder it was going to be on me when my father killed him.

Killed him. Just the thought made me want to vomit. I wanted to be free of Steele, but I didn’t want him dead. Did that make me a bad person? That I wanted him to go on stealing art, keeping up his criminal ways?

Once we passed the city limits he pushed his car to the extreme, going as fast as he possibly could. I wanted to scold him, but when he drove his cars, I could see how much he enjoyed it. He was like a little boy playing with a beloved toy. He looked so much younger when the seriousness that haunted his expression gave way to a smile.

Steele slowed down as we approached his estate.

It was getting dark earlier, a sure sign that winter was well on its way. I shivered as I got out of the car, wishing I would have worn warmer clothes. I was planning on buying a few new things prior to being abducted, but I hadn’t gotten around to it yet. Steele, of course, saw me shivering and came over, pulling me close to his body as we walked up the stone steps to the frontdoors. I inhaled deeply, loving the smell of him. I would miss that scent.

He guided me upstairs to my room and stopped outside in the hall.

“There’s something that I left in your closet for you. Put it on then meet me in the library.”

I frowned, but he’d already turned around, heading downstairs. I opened the door to my room and went over to the closet. My clothes were hung in there, but I spotted several garment bags that weren’t mine. I wasn’t sure how I’d missed them before. Sighing, I flipped through them. They were mostly black cocktail dresses, but there were a few gowns as well. What did Steele want me to put on? Were we going somewhere tonight?

But then I spotted it. Lingerie.

It was black, of course. Steele’s preferred color. Removing it from the closet, I took a good look at it. I was surprised at how…tame it was. There was a simple black bralette trimmed with lace, and then matching panties. It wasn’t even a thong, although the material was entirely made of lace so it was a bit see-through. It wasn’t what I’d expected, though. I thought he’d want me in black leather, six-inch heels on my feet.

I changed quickly, my stomach unsettled. There was no point in denying it any longer—I wanted to sleep with him, but I knew it was going to be harder on me every time. I pushed the thought away like I always did, and then I touched up my make-up. I’d just get my fill of him tonight, and then that would be it. I’d put a stop to it, quit him cold turkey.

I tip-toed down the stairs, nervous I’d run into a member of his household staff, but luckily the path to the library was clear. I was still unsure why he wanted me to meet him there. It seemed like an odd location for a rendezvous. I pushed open the heavy door, my heart pounding through my chest.

Candles were burning along the windows, and there was a roaring fire in the giant hearth. Two glasses of scotch sat on the coffee table, which had been moved to the other side of the room.There were several large blankets in front of the fire. I instantly realized his plan, and I hated it.

I didn’t want him to screw me like this. I wanted him to take me quickly, up against a wall or roughly on his bed.

Steele crept out of the shadows, looking at me like a predator about to devour its prey. The light from the fire danced across the darkness of his face as he came towards me. He’d removed everything except for his pants, and, like usual, I had trouble taking my eyes off of his chest. I backed nervously towards the bookshelf as he came towards me.

His smoldering look instantly dropped into one of concern. “What’s wrong?”

“I just—I don’t want this,” I said, trying to turn away. Before I could move towards the door, he trapped me in his arms.

“Ashlynn,” he whispered, moving my hair from around my neck and pushing it over one shoulder. “Everything about the way your body is responding tells me you want this. I can feel your pulse thrumming.” He kissed my throat, and I swallowed down the moan trying to free itself. “I can feel the way your heart is beating for me.” A hand went across my chest, and he massaged my breast as his palm rested over my heart. “And I bet there’s another place that’ll betray your words as well.”

I closed my eyes and whimpered as his free hand went to the apex of my thighs. He knew what he’d find there before he even said it, and I hated that he was right.

He brought his fingers up, showing me how slick they were. “If you want me to stop, tell me now.”

My head swirled as I got lost in sensation. I wanted him. I needed him to continue. It was the same song and dance. My wishy-washy behavior was even annoying myself; I didn’t know how Steele put up with it.

He paused for a full five seconds, waiting for me to tell him no. When I didn’t respond, he went in for a kiss.