The woman gasped, gaped and sputtered, as without a word more, he turned, taking Sarah with him. No one would hurt her, not physically, not verbally.Not ever.

They stepped out of the shop and into the bright sunshine. The crowd was considerably larger than an hour ago, but he still only noticed the woman next to him. They walked a minute more, brushing against each other, before he pivoted. “Are you all right?”

She hesitated for a second that lasted forever. In the next second, her impartial mask reappeared. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”

He swept his gaze back to the shop. “You shouldn’t listen to that woman. She was rude, jealous and vindictive. She literally criticized everyone that passed.”

“Well, she needn’t be jealous. I don’t have anything she doesn’t have.”

Of course, she did. She was everything.“You have all she has and more.” Cole squeezed her hand. “Can’t you see that?”

She broke his gaze, but her cheeks tinged pink. “Are you trying to flatter me because I’m your boss? This isn’t going to get you more vacation time, buddy.”

He stifled his smile. The humor was only another mask. He would let it go… for now. “So what would you like to see?”

“The inside of your car as we drive home?”

He looped his arm around her. “Sorry, but you’re not getting away from me so easily.”Or… ever?

She sighed, but true disappointment was absent from her gaze. She seemed almost happy, as if she actually wanted to be there. Right now, there was nowhere else he wanted to be.

They spent a few minutes walking and taking in the sights. Colorful characters abound, from royal lords to riveting pirates to fluttering fairies. They passed a row of skill games, andSarah’s gaze snagged on one of the prizes, a wreath of fresh roses for her hair. The sign indicated a contest of strength.

He leaned down. “Do you want me to win that for you?”

“Oh no, I’m fine.” But she stole one more glance, so he walked to the vendor, a large, muscular man with a shiny bald head, garbed in a pirate’s outfit and tattoos running along his entire body. He shook his hand. “How do you play?”

The vendor pointed to a table with two chairs. “It’s an arm-wrestling contest. The winner gets to pick a prize.”

Cole looked between the table and the muscular man. “Do I wrestle you?”

The vendor grinned and shook his head. “My wife got tired of wrapping up my arm. We wait for another contestant.”

Cole jerked his head toward Sarah. “Can I wrestle her?”

Sarah folded her arms across her chest and huffed something regarding male chauvinist pigs. Louder, she said, “I wouldn’t want to embarrass you.”

He laughed. Actually, he wouldn’t mind wrestling her, but he imagined something a little different than arm wrestling. And if he kept thinking like that, he would be too distracted to do the contest.

Just then a beefy man walked up, accompanied by the heavy smell of beer and a sneer to match. He leered at Sarah. “Is this the prize today, Stu?”

A volcano brewed in Cole’s chest.Keep control. Do not threaten. Do not charge him with being a felony ass.Gripping control like a cowboy holding a bucking bull, he turned to the speaker.

Yet Sarah stepped forward first. “I’m no one’s prize,” she growled.

“Jerry, how many times do I have to tell you to stay away?” The vendor straightened to his full height. “You’re driving away business.”

The drunk teetered far too close to Sarah. “No, man, I’m giving you business. Look at those curves under that dress. I’ll even play double for the chance to win this woman–” He deliberately paused. “A prize.”

The volcano bubbled higher. Cole resisted the urge to hit something – someone – as he stepped between the man and Sarah. If only he hadn’t sworn to uphold the law… “You’re in the wrong place, buddy. Move along.”

“Hey, I have every right to be here.” Jerry poked a finger at Cole’s chest. “Besides, it’s not like she belongs to you.”

“Actually…” Cole looked the man dead in the eyes. “She does.”

That stopped Jerry… for ten seconds. “Have you already had some fun? What was she like? Maybe I’ll just find out for myself.” Then the man reached around Cole, and with a lucky move, managed to swat Sarah’s ass.

The volcano erupted.