She gulped, tore her gaze away from the forbidden. The women were transfixed, with dreamy smiles, widened eyes and licking lips. A woman emerged from the house with bags of popcorn and started handing them out. Sarah didn’t have time to decline before one was shoved into her hand. This was ridiculous! She wasn’t going to stand on a balcony, eating popcorn and enjoying a live show.

“Oh. My. Goodness,” someone whispered.

Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t– oh hell.She turned back just as he poured the water over that hot body, flexing as it ran down muscle-bound rivulets, the droplets caressing his tanned skin.

She took a bite of popcorn.

Then he turned, gave a bright smile and waved, and the women responded with flushes, giggles and hoots. Some looked away in a halfhearted attempt to pretend they hadn’t been looking, while others just stood and grinned. Sarah simplystared. And stared and started until he turned to her… and his expression changed. The playfulness lessened, the teasing vanished, as the air turned as serious as an F5 twister. Their gazes locked in a duel, assessing, demanding,challenging.

“I’d better go.” She stuffed the popcorn into her purse, winced when its contents scattered. She’d worry about that later. Now she had to convince Cole she wasn’t watching, fantasizing and/or ogling him (while eating popcorn). In other words,lie.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay?” Jessica winked at her. “Cole doesn’t seem to mind.”

“Actually, I came to watch him.” Sarah grimaced. “I mean touch– I mean talk to him! You guys enjoy your… um… movie.” But actually the movie had ended, the credits had rolled across the screen and no one had noticed. Sarah jogged to the staircase and took the steps down two at a time.

Head held high, she strode across the lawn to the powerful man as her heart auditioned for a marching band drumline. She would not let a man she’d known since gummies and juice boxes intimidate her, no matter how he tried to seize authority. She was as strong as him.

She stopped right in front of him, well right in front of his chest. Then she looked up and up (and up and up and up) until they locked eyes. A smile quirked on his lips. “Are the ladies enjoying their movie?”

He knew?Her surprise must have been evident because he laughed. “My mom usually attends those things, but she had a hair appointment today. I’ve heard lots of tales.”

Of course. Small towns where everyone knows everyone’s everything. “Yeah, well, it’s hot hunky heroes day.” She closed her eyes, opened them to pure male satisfaction. “Don’t let it get to you. It’s hot hunky heroes day every month, and obviously I meant the movie, not you.”

“Oh yeah?” He folded his arms across his chest. “What movie were you watching?”

She opened her mouth, but nothing emerged.

Yeah, she didn’t have the slightest idea.

She cleared her throat. “A hot hunky heroes movie, of course.”

His eyes twinkled. “And what was its name?”

She looked up at the sky, but unfortunately the answer didn’t magically appear. “Its name was Hot Hunky Heroes Movie, of course. And–” She held up a finger before he could respond. “If you argue with me, I’m going to walk over there and tell them to take a closer look. Maybe we should set up bleachers.”

He stepped closer, and the scent of oak and spice surrounded her. “You wouldn’t be jealous, would you?”

Um, yeah. Obviously. If the green pompoms fit.“Jealous? Me? That’s ridiculous!”

His smile widened.

“I Am. Not. Jealous. You can entertain an entire bleacher, no, an entire stadium, of women and I wouldn’t care. I didn’t mean to ogle… um… watch you.”Wrong direction. She lifted her chin. "I came to talk to you about the Renaissance fair. I can’t go.”

There, she’d done it. Simple and straightforward. Now she could say goodbye and spend the rest of the day watching hot hunky hero movies.

“Thanks for letting me know.”

This was easier than expected.“I’m glad you understand.”

“If that’s all, I want to finish this fence before the festival.” He picked up the mallet. Then he started swinging. “I’ll see you at the fair.”

Wait, what?She stormed to him. “You don’t understand. I just said I can’t go.”

He took another swing. “I’m rejecting your not going.”

“You can’t do that.”

“Pretty sure I just did.”