They kissed and explored, learning more each second, but soon he wanted more, needed more. Physically, without a doubt, and yet through his sensual haze, deeper desires lurked, far more significant. He didn’t just want pleasure, he wantedher.

“We have to stop.”

And suddenly she was there no longer, a prize taken away. Like the lion she’d described, he longed to snatch her back, to assert his dominance, showcase his power. Somehow he managed to stop himself, to stay back as she hauled in breaths as if a Herculean effort. She couldn’t hide the effect he had on her. He wouldn’t allow it.

“We shouldn’t have done that.” Her words emerged a breathless whisper. “This can’t lead anywhere.”

Wrong.His mind rebelled with utter certainty. Yet he didn’t respond immediately, weighing a hundred insufficient responses. How to make her understand this was more than it appeared? “Why not?”

“For more reasons than I can count.” Though still flushed, her voice was stronger, louder, as she regained control. “Most importantly, we’ve already done this. Far more than this, actually. You left, remember?” Pain flashed in her eyes. “You didn’t even say good-bye.”

He did remember. He’d been young and stupid and had his whole crime-fighting life planned out. Hooking up with a girl who broke laws for a living just didn’t fit with his seemingly noble path. Yet most of all, the emotions she unlocked that night shook him to the core. If he hadn’t left, he feared what he might give up for her.

In truth, he’d given up far more by leaving.

She sucked in a deep breath, ran a hand through tousled hair. “This is impossible.”

“Is it?” He edged nearer once more, like a magnet drawn to its opposite force. “Are you afraid of me?”

She shook her head, yet the unease in her eyes contradicted any denial. She was afraid. Not physically, he was sure – he would never hurt a woman and she knew it. No, she was afraid of what was happening between them.

“Please don’t be.” He somehow stopped himself from reaching for her. “I’d never hurt you.”

Only he already had.

She wrapped her arms around herself. “You should go. Forget about this, about us. Nothing is going to happen.”

After a heartbeat’s hesitation, he nodded and backed away. Even if logic contradicted her claim, he wouldn’t scare her. He needed to show her, to prove this was not like before. Thathewas not like before. Without saying a word, he turned and walked out. Yet all the while, one truth blazed:

This time, he wasn’t letting her go.


Sarah Sloan’s Review

Admittinghow much you admire Cole Carter’s ass: 0 stars

Would not recommend. Disappointing experience, especially when shared with certain people, including but not limited to elderly ladies, the minister’s grandmother and every single lady in the known universe. Also makes you think about Cole Carter’s ass even more.

Additional Review

Writing an entire book about Cole Carter (although mainly his ass): 0 stars

When choosing the subject of a book, may want to refrain from using your childhood nemesis/current employee/man with awesome ass as your subject. Someone might notice. Plus, it may seem like you are somewhat interested/attracted/infatuated with said childhood nemesis/current employee/man with awesome ass.

Additional Additional Review

Cole Carter’s Ass: 1 billion stars

She was losing her mind.

Strike that – her mind was already gone. Walked out, left a “It’s not me, it’s you” letter and hitched a ride to Jupiter without a forwarding address. There was no other explanation for what happened when she invited Cole Carter into her home.

If she wasn’t a police officer and didn’t know the difficulty of mounting an insanity defense, she would claim it here. But in truth, she knew very well what would happen. She’d even removed her shirt in front of him! There was no reason she couldn’t have asked him to wait in the car while she took it off and changed into something decent. No, deep down she wanted him to come in, wanted him to stay, wanted far more than that, actually. And what did she want now? She didn’t have a clue.

But somehow Cole did.

He talked about them, about relationships, about a future far beyond a casual fling. Yet after all they had been through, could she afford to take that chance? Could she afford not to?