“I see.”
“Maybe just a week or two.”
“Perhaps a little longer.”
“You do realize I’m planning on getting you back for this, don’t you?”
“Am I supposed to be afraid?”
He only winked as they turned down the town’s main thoroughfare. They drove in silence for a few moments. “Well, look at that.” He pointed at Miss Ida’s coffee shop. Women were bustling in and out of the town’s premier source for desserts, pastries and coffee.
She looked over. “I wonder what’s going on.”
Then she 1. Stilled. 2. Remembered. 3. Panicked. 4. Did what no self-respecting woman should ever do.
5. She ducked.
Unfortunately, she was in such a frantic rush she didn’t consider exactly where she was ducking. That’s why she suddenly found herself with her head in Cole’slap.
He almost drove off the road.
He skidded to the right, swore and corrected just in time. She should get up, but if she did, they might see her, setting off a catastrophic chain of events that could end with her engaged to the powerful lawman in whose lap she was currently nestled. She shifted back, fighting to stay hidden, but the awkward positionand her lack of acrobatic skill only ended in her rubbing against a very particular spot.
That’s right. There.
It was a nightmare, but it would soon be over. They just had to get past one light and… Wait, was he slowing down? “What are you doing?” she hissed.
“What areyoudoing?” The usual suspects filled Cole’s voice: shock, incredulity, the accusation she was one bullet short of a full chamber. The car slowed until it came to a complete stop. “Do you realize where you are?”
Yes, she did.
The clucking of numerous women sounded from outside, closer and closer and closer… “We can’t stop here. Move!”
Cole looked down. “There’s a red light. Do you want me to run it?”
“Okay, fine, no! But pretend I’m not here. Don’t make it look like you’re talking to anyone. They can’t see me.”
“You want them to think I’m talking to my car? Why can’t they see you?” He turned to the window, and suddenly understanding dawned. He looked down at her… and smiled.
Oh. Shit.
He waved. Then he reached across her, bringing her into closer contact with thatpartof his body.
“What are you doing?” she hissed.
“Saying hello.”
“You can’t!”
“Why not? They’re coming over. I’m not going to race away like a bank robber.”
“Yes, you are!”