No matter which was correct, she couldn’t be held liable if she accidently did something like… oh… tase him. Not to cause a serious wound, but just to let him know his suggestion was, well, disappointing.
She looked back at the other men. They couldn’t possibly go along with something like this. But they were smiling. And nodding their heads.
This was not good.
“Why not?” The ringleader led his clearly surprised prize back to a couch, and the other men did the same. They sat and looked at expectantly at Cole. But Cole? He only had eyes for her.
He couldn’t be serious. He wasn’t actually planning on seducing her while they had an audience. She ignored the fact that she wouldn’t mind if he seduced her when theydidn’thave an audience. He took a step closer, leaned down. The scent of heated spice surrounded her.
Her breath hitched. She gave a sultry smile, pretended to whisper sweet nothings, “In case you’re curious, I am planning to arrest you for this.”
He winked. “Can’t wait,” he said loudly for all to hear. Then lower, “Isn’t backup coming? I’m trying to stall.” He planted a kiss on her neck.
She shivered. To convince the others, of course. “They are, but something must have delayed them.” She tried to form words while he kissed her again. And again. And what was she thinking again? “I’m all for buying time, but a strip show? Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Because you’re not as creative as me?”
“Or maybe because it’s the worst idea in the known universe.” She clutched his muscular, hot, heated… um… body. Squeezed (for show, of course).
He lifted himself back, removing the tortuous kisses she definitely didn’t want a thousand or so more of. “I’m open to suggestions if you got a better one. I wasn’t planning on going all the way.”
Well, crap.
Wait, no, that was good.
Restraint from the confounding man = good.
Unrestrained attraction = bad.
Climbing him like a tree = Very bad.
“Kissing is great, but how about a little more?” one of the men hooted. “I bet you can’t wait to get your hands all over that.”
He didn’t deny it. Nimble fingers started to roam. How far was he planning on going?
“Should we just arrest them?” Sarah whispered, as those capable hands became a far greater threat than the criminals. “Take them out?”
“Not yet,” he murmured. “Let’s give the cavalry a little more time.”
If they give them anymore time, they would get arrested right along with them. Before she could speak, the ringleader called,“You guys seem to be doing a lot of talking over there. Are you sure you know what do to?” The men laughed.
Cole looked down at her, and at that second what he wanted became very, very clear.
Cole Carter’s Review
Iron discipline:1star
I’ve always been proud of my self-restraint, honed from years of practice. Only right now it’s stopping me from what I want most of all. Sarah is more beautiful than I ever imagined, yet there is far more to her.
The woman beneath the beauty is the most alluring of all.
How far was he willing to go?
It was a question Cole asked himself once and then a hundred times as he caressed supple skin and traced pink curves. Sarah shivered under his touch, betraying his effect on her, despite the circumstances. Where, when and why never mattered when they fit together so perfectly.