She forced her thoughts back to the present. She had a mission to complete, which involved standing in a back alley in a skirt a little too short and a lot too tight. Small town prostitutes might not dress quite as boldly as their big city counterparts, but potential clients still had to identify them. Three similarly dressed women from different police districts stood next to her.
Although it didn’t seem like a particularly dangerous mission, these things were unpredictable. One of the men might find arrest disagreeable and turn violent. Because of their skimpy outfits, she’d had to leave her belt with most of her tools back at the office, hiding only a small gun under her skirt. Of course, there’d be a team of fully-equipped police officers ready to burst in at the first indication of trouble, but they wouldn’t be in the room with them. Instead, they would be listening via the wires one of her fellow officers wore. Sarah and the rest of the women would need to stay alert to control the situation.
Thanks to a lead, they knew the exact place a group of regular clients would come looking for a little action. Because the men saw many different women, hopefully they wouldn’t be surprised by the fresh faces. Most importantly, word would get around quickly if they got arrested, hopefully putting a crimp in the burgeoning prostitution business.
Sarah shifted in her five-inch, hot pink stilettos and tugged on the leopard print skirt. Even when she was at her most rebellious, she never dressed like this. The one time she’d tried in high school, Cole had cornered her between classes and lectured her until she agreed to go home and change.
“Those are our men,” one of her co-workers, garbed in a neon green latex dress, whispered. Three muscular men strode to them, wearing faded denims and lecherous smiles. They were as greasy as a thirty-nine-cent hamburger.
Sarah formed her red painted lips into a wide grin. “Well, hello boys.” She whistled. “So glad you could make it.”
The men smiled broadly. “Well, hello girls.” They looked from one to the next. “This seems to be our lucky day.”
“I’d say.” One of the women giggled. “Are you looking for a little fun?”
“We sure are.”
The thrill of success emblazoned Sarah. Once the men offered money, the officers could arrest them, and they would be on their way back home within a few hours. She could use a successful mission after the stagnating arson case.
The seedy man stared at the breasts threatening to burst from her top. “There’s four of you and only three of us.” He grinned at his friends. “That doesn’t seem fair. Should we flip a coin to see who the lucky one is?”
“That won’t be necessary,” a new voice rumbled from behind them. “I’ll take the black-haired beauty.”
Oh, hell to the no.
It couldn’t be.
There was no way, no possibility, he had followed her here.
Yet the voice was unmistakable, the confidence familiar, the authoritative power only he wielded.
Cole Carter was going to be dusting for the rest of his career.
She plastered a smile on her face, or something as close as she could muster, and slowly turned. He could only be referring to her – the others were brunettes or blonds. And there he was, wearing a smile that was anything but fake.
Then he gave her thelook. Not a quick, cursory look, not a gentlemanly look that stayed where it was supposed to. No, this look started at her toes, slowly made its way up her legs and hesitated noticeably on her hips. The smile grew wider as his gaze made its way up again, stopping at breasts forcedinto generous cleavage by the best of Victoria’s Secret, nipples already pebbled and hard. He licked his lips.
Hers dried.
He smiled wider, only then moving his attention to her face. “Not bad.” He winked. “You’ll do.”
The other men stood tall. “This is a private party, buddy. Who says we want to share?”
Cole turned a mild gaze to the ruffians. Though large, the men didn’t match Cole’s powerful presence. “You said there’s more than you need. Tell you what – how about I pay double my portion? Triple even. Sound fair?”
The idea of extra money clearly appeased the men, as they smiled greedily. “Why not? Sharing is caring, right? Maybe we can all share everyone?” He put a hand on Sarah’s shoulder.
Something flashed in Cole’s eyes, something intense, something powerful, somethingdangerous. He glared at the man as if seriously considering tearing him apart. The sleazeball’s eyes widened for a second, then he withdrew. “One per person is good, too.”
Cole nodded, looking no less willing and able to commit cold-blooded murder. “Good idea.”
Sarah fumed. With every word, Cole was sabotaging their mission. In reality, no one was having her, shared or otherwise, especially not him. Time to bag the bad guys and get away from her would-be bodyguard. “Let’s get this party started. First some business, then playtime.” She smiled suggestively.
“Out here? No way.” A stocky man with a thin goatee waved a hand weighted with rings. “Anyone can see us. Come on, we’ve got a nice place picked out and a large SUV to take us there. There’s plenty of room for all of us, even him.” He jerked a finger toward Cole.
Sarah giggled with the other ladies, forcibly restraining herself from arresting the men here and now. All of them, including the deputy who was enjoying his role a little too much.
The men quickly paired off with the woman. One pair held hands. Another man looped an arm around his woman’s shoulders’. The third put a hand around a waist. What did Cole do?