Sarah opened her eyes, searching through the smoke and the flames and the flashing lights, desperately hunting for the manshe loved. And then he was visible, hanging precariously by a single arm to a broken beam. “Cole!” she screamed.
He didn’t move, and for a second she feared whatever trance had made him unresponsive for those precious seconds had taken over. But then suddenly he was moving. “What is he doing?” she cried. “He needs to wait for the ladder.”
“It won’t make it in time,” a fireman yelled. “They couldn’t get the truck through the brush, so they’re carrying the ladder from the main road.”
Her eyes stung from the brightness of the flames as the man she loved dangled like a leaf on a snow-covered branch. Only the snow was ash and the branch was a broken beam seconds from snapping. Cole swung his leg down, and then… he let go of the beam.
She swallowed a scream as he cascaded down, but a few feet lower he suddenly stopped. He swung again, and again descended a few feet, sliding down the beam, she realized. Once more, he pushed off, reaching halfway to the ground. Suddenly a deep rumbling sounded from the building.
“Get back!” the firemen yelled. Even as she fought them, the men dragged her away from the burning building, away from Cole, away from her heart.
This time it wasn’t a set of stairs that swayed, but the entire structure. And this time, Sarah did scream as Cole let go, jumping the remaining distance to the ground just as the building twisted to the side, grunting with the last of its strength. Then Cole was lunging toward her.
A fierce explosion thundered as wood and leaves and brush spiraled from the raging inferno. Searing heat scorched Sarah’s back, threatening danger, but suddenly the pain was gone, shielded by something large and powerful.
The man who always protected her.
They took off in a run. A thousand moments passed, with a million thoughts and endless emotions. The blazing world seemed to go forever, until suddenly her lungs burned less and the fogginess cleared from her mind. She turned, heaving great breaths at the tragedy that almost claimed them. Firemen doused the building with water, conquering the flames.
It was over.
“We made it,” she breathed. Then, because there was only one place in the world she wanted to be, she threw herself into Cole’s arms.
“Sarah, I–”
With a headshake, she stopped him. Words didn’t matter now – she needed to show him how she felt. So she stood on the top of her toes, pulled him down and gave him the kiss of a lifetime.
She put every last bit of herself into that kiss, holding him as if her life depended on it, as it so recently had. He immediately took control, grasping her tight against his muscular body, capturing, commanding,possessing. Despite his near death-defying stint, he remained uncompromisingly powerful. Only her warrior could walk through fire and emerge unscathed.
Finally, he pulled back, yet he still held her close. “Are you all right?”
“I am now,” she said honestly. “Areyouall right?”
“Yes.” He leaned down. “Because of you.”
“Now enough of that, you two,” a jovial voice sounded next to them. Donovan clapped Cole on the back. “Gave us quite a scare back there, guys, but you did it. You saved the kids, and now the firefighters got everything under control. The paramedics want to examine you.”
Sarah stepped back, or at least she tried. Cole didn’t let her. She lifted her chin. “Of course. He needs medical attention.”
“I’m fine,” Cole rumbled, “but you should definitely get checked out.”
Sarah shook her head firmly. She was fine, better than she’d been her entire life. And suddenly she had something very important to reveal to the man she loved. It might not be the ideal time or place, but nearly losing your life changes perspectives. There wasn’t always an ideal time to seize what you want.
Sometimes you just have to go for it.
She took a smoky breath of courage. “Cole, when I thought I was going to lose you, I… I… well, what I mean to say is…”
He placed a finger over her lips. “No.”
She blinked. “No?”
His eyes blazed with emotion. “We need to talk, but not now. There’s something I have to do first.”
What could he possibly have to do that was more important than the revelation she was about to make? Before she could press, paramedics descended upon them, and they were taken to separate ambulances for evaluations despite their protests. They both endured thorough checkups before being declared hale and hearty, and then the investigation beckoned.
They worked until the wee hours of the morning, appraising the scene, rounding up evidence and cleaning the mess. Scott was sent to jail, where he would face a slew of charges, along with an immediate dismissal from the force, of course. At least he finally realized the gravity of what he’d done, muttering apologies even as they led him away. With his confession, Sarah was exonerated.
The first rays of dawn were peeking over the horizon when they finally completed their work. As everyone left to seek a few hours of sleep, Cole approached her. “I need to tell you something.”